Der offizielle ROTS Teaser/Trailer/TV Spot Thread

Die Teaser Video Musik besteht aus mehreren Teilen:

Force Theme von "Landspeeder Search/Attack Of The Sandpeople" - ANH - Episode 4.
Kurzer Ausschnitt aus "Darth Maul And The Sith Spacecraft" - TPM - Episode 1.
"The Clash Of Lightsabers" - ESB - Episode 5 (nach dem "Rise!")
"The Tide Turns/The Death Of Darth Maul" von TPM - Episode 1.
"Dawn Of The Empire/Confrontation With Count Dooku") - AOTC - Episode 2 (Trailer-Abspann)

Das Hauptlied aus dem E3-Spiel-Trailer heisst: Duel of the Fates
Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
Neue Trailer Beschreibung. Oh mann , ich kann es kaum erwarten ihn zu sehen. Und zum Glück schreib ich keine Arbeit in der Woche. Ich wäre sonstzu viel abgelenkt und würde verhauen . Das ist mir beim Teaser passiert , hab am nächsten Tag ein Mateklausur geschrieben und hab die dann verhauen. :D

In my capacity of working within the UK Film Industry, I was today privy to not only viewing Robots(which is very good) but also the latest Episode 3 trailer which will be attached to it on release.All I can say is this:

I watched 2 minutes of the vision of George Lucas and all I can say is that what I saw numbed my senses.What flew out of the screen at me was effects that rendered me absolutely speechless until at the end I was heard to say '****'.The same went for every other individual that was sat in the auditorium with me.
THIS IS THEE STAR WARS TRAILER THAT WE HAVE ALL WANTED TO SEE.Its got the action, the darkness, the turmoil and a damned good idea of what we can expect from the story.

It opens with three( what looks like) X or Y wing fighters flying under a planet which looks like Tattoine and ends with a side view of Darth Vader but its whats in between that blows you away.Space battles are regularly interspersed between the acting scenes which are all fast and furious. Battles involving hundreds maybe thousands of Star/Space ships and explosions which you'll have to rewind on the eventual DVD to get the full depth and breadth. What it looked like in 35mm was jawdropping but I would very much like to be in an auditorium playing ROTS in full 70mm Digital sound

The early part of the trailer seems to be centered quite a bit on Ian McDiarmid as Palpatine and his deception to all concerned. He says words to the effect of 'its not only the Jedi that can sort problems out' before, who I can only assume are, accusers out of camera shot.Then the camera moves to him revealing what appears to be a black light sabre under his cloak and from what I can remember he flies at everybody in this one shot. We next seem him face contorted in the familiar Emporer role in several scenes. We see shots Of Anakin and Obi Wan fighting against a background of crashing Lava flows. A Yoda whose eyes glow blue. Snippets of Grievous-very sinister. Anakin with scar, walking and leading lines of troops from a vertical camera position. A crying Padme and and a worried Samuel Jackson. Couldnt remember Jar Jar Binks but the wookies are there fighting. Also an array of new vehicles and transports. As you can expect it was so much to take in but what I will say is this re the music.
Now being a JW fan I studied the trailer for anything new musicwise.But Rick Mcallum was right in his webcast. There is no new John Williams music in this trailer and yes it does utilize music from the past 5 films. But what I will say is that right in the middle of it there is a kettle drum roll lasting 10secs or more when Anakin and Obiwan are fighting in the lava explosions that I cannot remember being in any of the previous films. It appears to be a new composition.
Now to take all this in. in a few minutes is not easy. i would have liked to have seen the trailer twice. I apologize now if some of what I have said is slightly misjudged but when you all see it in a few weeks time I am sure you will all agree with me that this was the Star Wars trailer to end the saga with. And if what i saw in this trailer is just a snippet of what the final film will be. then George Lucas has redeemed himself and created a masterpiece.

If trailers were to be given an Oscar this would win hands down.

Enjoy it when you see it, its marvellous.
In my capacity of working within the UK Film Industry, I was today privy to not only viewing Robots(which is very good) but also the latest Episode 3 trailer which will be attached to it on release.All I can say is this:

I watched 2 minutes of the vision of George Lucas and all I can say is that what I saw numbed my senses.What flew out of the screen at me was effects that rendered me absolutely speechless until at the end I was heard to say '****'.The same went for every other individual that was sat in the auditorium with me.
THIS IS THEE STAR WARS TRAILER THAT WE HAVE ALL WANTED TO SEE.Its got the action, the darkness, the turmoil and a damned good idea of what we can expect from the story.

It opens with three( what looks like) X or Y wing fighters flying under a planet which looks like Tattoine and ends with a side view of Darth Vader but its whats in between that blows you away.Space battles are regularly interspersed between the acting scenes which are all fast and furious. Battles involving hundreds maybe thousands of Star/Space ships and explosions which you'll have to rewind on the eventual DVD to get the full depth and breadth. What it looked like in 35mm was jawdropping but I would very much like to be in an auditorium playing ROTS in full 70mm Digital sound

The early part of the trailer seems to be centered quite a bit on Ian McDiarmid as Palpatine and his deception to all concerned. He says words to the effect of 'its not only the Jedi that can sort problems out' before, who I can only assume are, accusers out of camera shot.Then the camera moves to him revealing what appears to be a black light sabre under his cloak and from what I can remember he flies at everybody in this one shot. We next seem him face contorted in the familiar Emporer role in several scenes. We see shots Of Anakin and Obi Wan fighting against a background of crashing Lava flows. A Yoda whose eyes glow blue. Snippets of Grievous-very sinister. Anakin with scar, walking and leading lines of troops from a vertical camera position. A crying Padme and and a worried Samuel Jackson. Couldnt remember Jar Jar Binks but the wookies are there fighting. Also an array of new vehicles and transports. As you can expect it was so much to take in but what I will say is this re the music.
Now being a JW fan I studied the trailer for anything new musicwise.But Rick Mcallum was right in his webcast. There is no new John Williams music in this trailer and yes it does utilize music from the past 5 films. But what I will say is that right in the middle of it there is a kettle drum roll lasting 10secs or more when Anakin and Obiwan are fighting in the lava explosions that I cannot remember being in any of the previous films. It appears to be a new composition.
Now to take all this in. in a few minutes is not easy. i would have liked to have seen the trailer twice. I apologize now if some of what I have said is slightly misjudged but when you all see it in a few weeks time I am sure you will all agree with me that this was the Star Wars trailer to end the saga with. And if what i saw in this trailer is just a snippet of what the final film will be. then George Lucas has redeemed himself and created a masterpiece.

If trailers were to be given an Oscar this would win hands down.

Enjoy it when you see it, its marvellous.

Ich halte diese Beschreibung für einen FAKE! Sie hat nix mit den vorigen beiden Beschriebungen gemein, die von Ternian bestätigt wurden.

Es sei denn, es gibt 2 Trailer...
>Then the camera moves to him revealing what appears to be a black light sabre under his cloak and from what I can remember he flies at everybody in this one shot.

schon allein das klingt nach Bloedsinn... Sein Lichtschwert kommt aus seinem Aermel, die hints dafuer waren wirklich extrem eindeutig... und 'flies at' ô_ó... *sieht grad nen Palpy yoda-like durch die Luft hoppeln und zischen* also ne...

*edit* ganz abgesehen davon is palpys Schwert net schwarz... der Grossteil war auf nem BTH schon mal zu sehen
A Yoda whose eyes glow blue.
Und ein Obi-Wan, dessen Pupillen verschwinden, oder was? :D

Ternian schrieb:
Also a word of note: "Blue-Eyed Yoda"... It's the reflection of Force Lightning. He's not blue.
Ach so, das würde es erklären. Das würde aber auch bedeuten, dass der zweite Spoilerbericht doch war ist, oder? Und was ist dann mit dem LS von Palps? :konfus:
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Ich finde vor allem den Satz von Mace sehr interessant....

*grübel* - meint er damit vielleicht gar Anakin und Palps?
Hmm, was soll man von diesem "Sohn" halten? Ich meine wir wissen ja alle das Anakin keinen Vater hat, aber wen meint Palpatine dann mit Sohn?

Ich habe befürchtet, dass solche Fragen aufkommen.;)

Palpatine spielt einfach nur die Vaterrolle für Anakin, da dieser nie einen Vater hatte.:D
Son of Odin schrieb:
Ich habe befürchtet, dass solche Fragen aufkommen.;)

Palpatine spielt einfach nur die Vaterrolle für Anakin, da dieser nie einen Vater hatte.:D
Ja ja stimmt hundert pro nur wird man mit solchen Sätzen bei den Otto Normal Kinogänger fragen auf werfen und sie in die Irre führen.
Das die eingefleischten Fans es wissen das Anakin keinen Vater hat ist klar, immerhin hat GL es ja selbst schon bestätigt. ;)
Am 8. auch bei AOL?

Wird der Trailer ,wie der Teaser im November, auch zeitgleich mit der
HS-Veröffentlichung bei AOL gezeigt?
Wäre für mich von Vorteil... :)