Fall of the Republic

mir ist folgender Text in die Hände gefallen.
kennt den schon einer?
ist das ein fake?

da es leider nicht als Anhnag geht(zu groß:confused: :confused: )

tut es mir sehr leid:::



Story treatment by John L. Flynn

Adapted from Part I:
"The Adventures of
Obi-Wan Kenobi"

The Journal of the Whills
By George Lucas


BLACK OF OUTER SPACE -- pinpointed with
piercing stars, several moons, and a
bright-colored nebulae. As TITLES end --

The following is related in the story, roll-up

Long ago, in a galaxy far, far away, the Old Republic was
crumbling away, rotting from the corruption and treachery
within. Power-hungry technocrats and wealthy bureaucrats
maneuvered and bribed their way into office, while one am-
bitious senator plotted to destroy the Jedi and rule the

Hoping to restore virtue and the remembered glory of the
Republic, the High Council of Senators dispatched the Jedi
Knights - protectorate of justice in the galaxy - on a quest to
retrieve the lost Kaiburr Crystal. They believed that the
small diamond-like object (which intensified the power of the
Force) would unite the disaffected among the people and would
destroy the corruption around them.

However, within their Council, the evil Senator Palpatine had
other traitorous designs. Foreseeing that the Crystal would
secure his position as Emperor, Palpatine deceived one of the
Jedi Knights and sent him to acquire the Crystal. . .


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SCENE 1: Sigma Vulcanus -- a new, evolving world, that is con-
stantly being shook by violent earthquakes and volcanic
eruptions, and which is devoid of sentient life-forms.

On the molten, volcanic world of Sigma Vulcanus, Anakin
Skywalker, a handsome, swarthy man with a dignified stature,
makes an important discovery. Using his lightsabre (as the
equivalent of a divining rod), he uncovers the legendary Kaiburr
Crystal. It pulsates with energy and fills Skywalker with a
false sense of power and importance. But before he can savor his
triumph, and return the Crystal to Palpatine, he is confronted by
his old friend, and fellow Jedi Knight, Obi-Wan Kenobi and
requested to explain his actions. Anakin refuses, and instantly,
the two knights draw their lethal weapons and become locked in
mortal combat.

Anakin Skywalker, as if controlled by another force,
strikes swiftly in rage, but Obi-Wan Kenobi, the more experienced
Jedi, easily deflects the furious blows of his young opponent.
"Let go of the Crystal, my friend! Its power will consume you
and turn you against the Jedi Knights," Kenobi explains. But the
words are un-heeded by the young Jedi, and the conflict

Skywalker attacks Obi-Wan again, forcing him to discard
his defensive posture. Kenobi parries the thrust and sends Ana-
kin's lightsabre flying out of his hand. At precisely the same
moment, a cataclysmic earthquake rocks the planet. The effect is
devastating: fissures, in the earth crack open and spout walls

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of flame; thunder and lightning strike violently from the sky;
and several volcanos burst and bubble.

The young Jedi struggles to regain his lightsabre, but
loses his footing and plunges, still in possession of the Crys-
tal, into a pit of molten lava.

Kenobi hurries to the edge of the volcano and looks down;
but he is too late to save his former friend: Skywalker is
completely engulfed in lava! With tears in his eyes and anguish
in his heart, Obi-Wan picks up Anakin's lightsabre and bids a sad
farewell to the body of his friend.


SCENE 2: Jhantor -- is "the bright center of the universe."
Highly populated and technology-oriented, it is an old
world of many contrasts: the huge, domed capital, with
its elaborate space ports and transportation systems,
stands adjacent to an ancient castle and temple.

In another part of the galaxy, on the capital world of
Jhantor, Palpatine enters his senate chambers - followed closely
by a brash, young courtier named Prince Valarium - and assumes
his place at the head of a conference table. Valarium stands
next to him and whispers in his ear as Palpatine's wizened eyes
travel around the table from man to man.

Through a terse discussion with his cabinet members and
personal guard, Palpatine reveals that he has bribed or black-
mailed most of the High Council members into voting for him as
President, but he is concerned with three senators who cannot be

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swayed - Tara Courtney, Mon Mothma, and Bail Organa. He further
explains that, once they have been eliminated, he intends to have
his troops take over the Spice and Mineral Mines and blockade the
commercial shipping lanes.

Several of his personal guard nod their approval; how-
ever, two young officers stand and voice their disagreement.
Lieutenant Motti (bright, young and smartly-dressed) and Com-
mander Tarkin (thin, hatchet-faced with dark eyes) report that
Palpatine's military force (which he has genetically engineered
on the prison planet) are en route to the Spice Mines and Star-
ports AND that they are ready to take command of the Starfleet;
but they fear the swift retribution of the Jedi Knights!

"I think I know the best way to deal with that rabble,"
Palpatine announces, standing and walking over to his cabinet.
"It's time that I demonstrate my absolute power--"

Taking a large, crystal globe form his cabinet, Palpatine
strokes it with his long, well-manicured fingers, then traces the
longitude and latitude lines. The object begins to glow, and
(with ILM's help) conjures a series of images from the planet
Sigma Vulcanus. These images combine and crystallize on the
SINGLE image of the dead Anakin Skywalker.


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SCENE 3: Sigma Vulcanus

Four shadowy figures - adorned only in dark, hooded robes
(which conceal their identity) - approach the charred, motionless
body of Anakin Skywalker and lift him from his fiery grave.
Skywalker's flesh is torn and scabbed, his hair is missing and
clumped in disgusting patches. Deep scars trace his face, and
his body and limbs are without life.

They place him on the ground with great reverence and
begin to administer to his injuries in an attempt to bring him
back to life. One robed figure motions to the other: "Bring me
the herbs and remedies." He actually says nothing but is
instantly understood by the others. A third figure sprinkles the
body with a powder, while a fourth looks toward the stars and
begins to chant in a deep, rumbling voice.

In a matter of moments, the lifeless body of Anakin
Skywalker stirs, as we


SCENE 4: Dagobah (introduced in Episode Five: Empire Strikes Bk)

Far across the galaxy, on the bog world of Dagobah,
Obi-Wan Kenobi walks through the dense fog and pauses, unhappy
and dejected because he has been forced by circumstances to kill
his friend. He turns to Yoda, his eight hundred year-old teacher
and says: "I have failed, Master Yoda."

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Yoda gives him a contemptuous stare, then closes his
eyes: "No good is it to teach you when you have not yet learned
patience! Humility!"

Obi-Wan shakes his head and offers an excuse as his
reply: "But Anakin was my friend. The Force was with him very
strongly, and I thought that I could be as good a teacher as you
were with me." He pauses and breathes a deep sigh: "I fear my
mistake may have terrible consequences for the galaxy!"

The Jedi Master points a crooked finger at him: "Most
important lesson have you learned! Now a great burden you

Kenobi squeezes his tear-filled eyes shut and drops his
head in defeat. But Yoda is immediately at his side to offer
comfort and to reveal that Anakin is not dead. He further
explains the incidents which have just taken place and foresees a
deadly conflict.

The Jedi Knight is pale and silent for a long moment.
Then, slowly, he, too, recognizes the entire awesome threat that
Palpatine has brought to the Old Republic. He thinks of the
lives of his friends (Lady Padme Skywalker and Bail Organa) and
realizes that he must leave immediately for Jhantor.

so geht es noch lange weiter
ist da was dran?
Schon wieder? Ich fasse es einfach nicht.... :rolleyes:

"Fall of the Republic" ist ein Fake von John L. Flynn und stammt aus den 80er Jahren.

Wie schon gesagt handelt es sich um eine


und ist nach dem heutigen Stand der Dinge auch nicht mehr glaubwürdig. Damals sorgte es für viel Aufsehen und heutzutage ist es ein hervorragendes Stück Fan-Fiction.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Es kann schon nicht stimmen, weil ALLE STAR WARS FILME auf einem Raumschiff beginnen und nicht auf einem Planeten.
ist sowieso aus verschiedenen gesichtspunkten heraus unglaubwürdig. z.B: glaube ich nicht, dass von anang an vom "bösen Senator Palpatine" gesprochen wird, da Palpi ja in der geschichtlichen Abfolge noch ganicht als "Böse" gilt (Wir sind schlauer, aber haben ja de facto auch das Ende vor dem Anfang "gelesen") :D
Das ist 'ne schöne Fan-Fiction, aber echt nicht mehr. Vor allem der Verweis auf den Kaiburr-Kristall, der ja in Splinter Of The Minds Eye vorkommt (dt.: Skywalkers Rückkehr) passt nicht zu GL bisher entworfener Handlung. Anakin wird auch so schon arrogant genug und auch bei Palpatine war bisher nie die Rede von irgendeinem mystischen Kristall... :rolleyes:
Original geschrieben von Darth Anakin
ist sowieso aus verschiedenen gesichtspunkten heraus unglaubwürdig. z.B: glaube ich nicht, dass von anang an vom "bösen Senator Palpatine" gesprochen wird, da Palpi ja in der geschichtlichen Abfolge noch ganicht als "Böse" gilt (Wir sind schlauer, aber haben ja de facto auch das Ende vor dem Anfang "gelesen") :D

Er ist auch kein Senator mehr, er ist Kanzler.:rolleyes:
Spätestens seit Episode I kann man auf diese legendäre Fälschung eigentlich gar nicht mehr reinfallen. Ich meine, Pamdé heißt nicht Padmé, was schon auffallen sollte.... :D

Abgesehen davon, daß es sich um eine Fälschung handelt, ist "Fall of the Republic" aber auch heute noch lesenswert.