Gerüchteküche- angebliche Infos eines Designers bei ILM( klingt vertr.voll n. kitschi


junger Botschafter
gerade bei gefunden- klingt alles sehr positiv, aber ihr solltet Englisch können aber viel Spaß beim lesen

I don't know whether all this is valid or not, but I saw the stuff at and thought people should see it. It's been posted since late August - nothing terribly new! Over there, people do seem to believe Kreeper. And anyway, it's slow times at 3SA at the moment!

Kreeper, who seems to have some Insider news, wrote:
"For what it's worth to you guys, here's a little of what my friend who does CGI/match moving on all the prequels told me when we talked last month. He's always called it pretty close. He hasn't seen the whole thing yet, only about 50%. George gives it to them in 30 minute chunks to work on.

DISCLAIMER - the follwing info was actually relayed. Only Kreeper's underwear has been changed.

So, for what it's worth:

- the film (as he's seen it so far) is dark enough to easily get a PG-13. The tone starts out somber and things rapidly go downhill from there. Most of the main characters are murdered one by one and the few that do make it, he says "Are just "* up beyond belief". He says that there'll be "a lot of disturbed kids" after they see this film.

- his coworkers (ILM guys), who weren't that crazy about working on the other 2 prequels, are actually looking forward to this one. He says the opening space battle makes the final one in Jedi "look like that Thunderbirds crap."

- apparently George took more time with the actors. He said that on two different occasions you could hear the set crew applauding in the dailies when Ian McDarmid did his scenes.

- he said the dialogue he's heard so far hasn't contained anything as bad as EP. II. and he's keeping his fingers crossed. Hayden's slow descent into darkness is handled and played well.

- General Grievous will give WETA's Gollum a run for his money. As a character he's actually more sadistic than Palpatine.

- Padme's pretty much kept to the sidelines in this one. Jar Jar basically plays nanny to her.

- there are more lightsaber fights in EP. III than in ALL the other films combined. Nick Gillard, the stunt coordinator, has pulled out all the stops. According to my friend, the weakest lightsaber duel in this one easily tops the Darth Maul Ep. I stuff.

- this has the highest onscreen character bodycount than any other SW film. He said the purge of the Jedi is pretty intense.

- the final duel between Anakin and Obi Wan is just so off the scale it's indescribable. As it's cut now it runs just under 12 minutes. Remember that scene in ROTJ where Luke gets pissed off and goes ballistic as the music swells as he drives Vader back? "Imagine that on an emotional scale of the Nth power." He said that what actually triggers the fight between the two is "pretty heavy".

- he says the guy who plays Tarkin is very good.

- you'll finally get to see why Mace Windu is the most powerful Jedi on the Council. He offered to tell me what happens but I declined. He said that it's pretty shocking.

- Rick McCallum's nickname amongst the staff is "The Devil" (and I thought that was Rick Berman).

- he told me some interesting spoilers regarding the Clone Troopers and their relationship to Stormtroopers.

- I personally thought the fight between Dooku and Yoda was silly (When Muppets Attack!) and demeaned the character. Well, he said that all that will be forgotten when Yoda and Palpatine throw down.

- nobody's seen the Wookie or Chewbacca footage (shot this summer in London) yet. They start work on it at the end of September. Lucas is keeping this a secret until absolutely necessary ("probably because it's lame" he said). So nobody knows what Chewie does or who he interacts with. He grumbled that he expects Lucas to do more reshoots in the Spring because that's what he did on the other two films: (Ep. I - the arrival of Palpatine after the siege of Naboo. Ep. II - the opening elevator conversation between Ben and Anakin. Both were shot the March before each film's release.

- he mentioned Ben Burtt being taken off Editor's duty. I forgot the name of the new guy.

- he says that if George doesn't cut the hell out of this and screw it up (which he thinks will probably happen):

1) When the credits roll you'll feel sad for both Ben and Anakin.

2) The scene in Ep. IV when Obi Wan confronts Vader on the Deathstar will have a whole new layer of depth and context added.
According to my friend, the weakest lightsaber duel in this one easily tops the Darth Maul Ep. I stuff.
Na dann bin ich mal gespannt. Hört sich nach Übertreibung an :)

you'll finally get to see why Mace Windu is the most powerful Jedi on the Council. He offered to tell me what happens but I declined. He said that it's pretty shocking.
Ich hoffe doch sehr das Sam Jackson mal so richtig die Sau rauslässt.
Ich finde keine wirklich neuen Gerüchte oder News. Kommt mir alles sehr bekannt vor, wurde halt nur textlich etwas ausgeschmückt. Trotzdem hat das lesen Spaß gemacht und jetzt bin ich wieder an dem Punkt, wo ich es kaum bis zum Mai erwarten kann. :D
Hab auch net viel neues rausgehört!Doch bis zum Mai warten,das wird ne Hölle!
Vor Dezember wird es wohl auch nix neues in der Gerüchteküche geben ;)
jeahh,also doch ein "jedi knight" (pcgame) kampf, wo alles an physischen machtfähigkeiten mal rausgelassen wird *muahhhhhh* haltet mich für blod, aber mir ging schon alleine einer ab, als die beides jedis in episode 1 aufm föderationschiff aufeinmal mit mega dampf vor den droiden abgehauen sind zischhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh :D
Das hört sich alles ganz nett und schön an, aber wirklich vieeeeel neues wird ja nicht gesagt. Mit den neuen Bildern und Infos dazu kann der Spoiler nicht mithalten
- there are more lightsaber fights in EP. III than in ALL the other films combined. Nick Gillard, the stunt coordinator, has pulled out all the stops. According to my friend, the weakest lightsaber duel in this one easily tops the Darth Maul Ep. I stuff.

Hört sich für mich am coolsten an :D! Wie fett o_O!!!
pass mal auf, wenn der film wirklich sekunde für sekunde 120% gibt und man erschlagen ausm kino rausrennt und gleich in die nächste vorstellung, um wenigstens die hälfte des films zu checken ;) würde vor allem als gegensatz zur eher ruhigen atmosphäre in ep 4 passen!
- the final duel between Anakin and Obi Wan is just so off the scale it's indescribable. As it's cut now it runs just under 12 minutes. Remember that scene in ROTJ where Luke gets pissed off and goes ballistic as the music swells as he drives Vader back? "Imagine that on an emotional scale of the Nth power." He said that what actually triggers the fight between the two is "pretty heavy".

12 Minuten also. Aber wenn das Duell wirklich so atemberaubend wird, wie bislang zu hören (und zu sehen) war, dann werden uns diese (eigentlich langen) 12 Minuten wohl eher wie 5 vorkommen. ;)
- General Grievous will give WETA's Gollum a run for his money. As a character he's actually more sadistic than Palpatine.

hehe das klingt seeehr vielversprechend.
und ich erhoffe mir gute dunkle palpatine szenen.
auch das mit der masse an lichtschwertkämpfen klingt gut.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
General Grievous will give WETA's Gollum a run for his money.
Wollen wir mal hoffen das es so sein wird. Kann mir gut vorstellen das ILM verdammt blöd aus der Wäsche geschaut hat als die 2 Türme rauskam. So toll die Effekte der PT sind, WETA Workshop hatte es meiner Meinung nach geschafft Gollum wirklich real existierend aussehen zu lassen und nicht wie bei Star Wars oder FinalFantasy, wo man trotz aller Pracht und Aufwand merkt, daß es CG war.
Arodon schrieb:
So toll die Effekte der PT sind, WETA Workshop hatte es meiner Meinung nach geschafft Gollum wirklich real existierend aussehen zu lassen und nicht wie bei Star Wars oder FinalFantasy, wo man trotz aller Pracht und Aufwand merkt, daß es CG war.

Was natürlich auch daran liegt, dass Gollum ein viel tiefgründigerer Charakter ist, als beispielsweise Jar Jar Binks. Warten wir also ab, wie es mit der Ausarbeitung von Grievous' Persönlichkeit aussieht. ;)