Kennt wer die Fia-Spezies


Shiny! Kommt, lasst uns richtig böse sein!

ich suche gerade alles rund um den Planeten Galantos zusamemn und dort wurde bei diversen Quellen behauptet, das dieser die Heimatwelt der Fia-Spezies wäre.

Aber über diese Spezies finde ich leider nichts weiteres....

Weiss jemand von euch, was die Fia sein sollen?
Lusankya schrieb:
Was is denn Galantos???

Dies hier habe ich auf einer englischsprachigen Seite gefunden:

The planet of Galantos is located in the Farlax Sector near the Koornacht Cluster, and the planet is the homeworld to the Fia species. The Cluster appears as a bright oval of light in Galantos's night sky, and is known among the Fia as The Mulititude. The planet's population is approxametly 500,000, and the planets that surrond Galantos used to be big trading centers and mining centers but with the colapse of the Imperial Control of the Farlax Sector made commerce increasingly hazardous. Galantos is known through out the galaxy among geologists for its bizarre alien terrian, and its rocky surface is dotted with thousands of pools ranging in size from tiny puddles to vast seas hundreds of kilometers square. The population of the planet could never really increase past a half a million because of the planets scarcity of space. When the Yevethan Aliens started exterminating all "foreign" settlements in their territory a young innocent pilot barely escaped from one of the attacks and he tried to reach Galantos in a short-range starfighter, and he was picked up by a passing freighter and the Fia thought that if the Yevethans did this then they might be next. The coucillor of Fia Jobath desoerately sought an audience with Leia Organa Solo on Coruscant. Even though Jobath broke almost all of the protocols of properly addressing the Chief of Stats, his planets request for an emergency petition in to the New Republic was swiftly approved, and the New Republic warships Gal Storn and Thackery arrived to protect Galantos from the Yevethan. The attack that the Fia thought was going to come never did because of the New Republic's Navy, when the fleet carrying Luke Skywalker and a group of J't'p'tan, leapt into the heart of the Koornacht Cluster and decimated the Yevethan military at the Battle of N'zoth, and Galantos and its citizens returned to business as the latest members of the New Republic.

@AdrianBerry: Das hilft dir wohl auch nicht weiter ;)
Laut dem Alien Species Guide sind die Fia "kleine Personen, mit breiten glockenförmigen Beinen....".
Es ist auch eine Zeichnung dabei, ich könnte Dir einen Scan schicken, wenn Du möchtest !

Ein bissi was über die Fia:

this alien race, native to the planet Galantos, called the Koornacht Cluster "The Multitude." They were a small, placid race whose communication included wild hand and arm gestures. After the Yuuzhan Vong captured Coruscant, the Fia began negotiating with the alien invaders, hoping to survive the invasion. They provided information on the strengths of the Yevetha, in return for resources and the Yuuzhan Vong's assurance that the Yevetha would be destroyed. The Fia also allowed the communications network to the Republic to be shut down, mainly to avoid reprials from the Republic itself. Little did the Fia know that the Yuuzhan Vong had no plans to spare either the Yevetha or the Fia. Only the timely intervention of Leia Organa Solo and her husband, Han Solo, on a mission to restore communications with Galantos, helped the Fia avoid the fate of the Yevetha.


EDIT: oops... mal wieder die Quellenangabe vergessen *schäm*


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Zu Minzas Zitat sei noch die Qellenangaben angemerkt. Vielleicht will ja jemand wissen worauf sich die TFN-Encyclopedia bezieht bzw. in welchen Büchern man das nachlesen kann:
BTS = Before the Storm (Die Schwarze Flotte-Trilogie 1 - Vor dem Sturm)
FH1 = Force Heretic I (NJO 15 - Remnant)
Im Rollenspielbuch Coruscant and the Core Worlds steht auch ein bißchen zu Galantos und den Fia.

Coruscant and the Core Worlds Sourcebook schrieb:
The bipedal Fia became the masters of Galantos, constructing crude communities atop the gel and twisting the resources of their world to their own purposes. In time, offworlders brought them galactic technology, and the Fia traveled to the stars. After opening trade with neighboring Wehttam, they welcomed the few Republic merchants who made the hard journey to the Farlax sector. The adventurers made soft landings in the thick gelatin of Galantos.

After Palpatine's rise to power, the Farlax sector came under Imperial rule. Star Destroyers bypassed enigmatic Galantos in favor of the stardocks located in the Koornacht cluster. The Fia opened new lines of trade, including the importing of chromite from New Brigia, but a massive Imperial withdrawal from the region eight months after the Battle of Endor left the sector economically adrift. The Fia withdrew as well, casting suspicious and fearful eyes toward offworlders.

[... Ereignisse aus Schwarze Flotte-Trilogie [...]

Thankfully for the Fia, the Yevetha suffered a stunning defeat under the gungs of the New Republic fleet before tehy could ever set foot on Galantos.

Now many Fia hope the same will hold true for the Yuuzhan Vong. So far, the Yuuzhan Vong ha shown no interest in conquering territory as inaccessible as the Farlax sector. Many former residents of Coruscant, noticing the same geographical inconvenience, have fled to Galantos after the fall of their homeworld. This has led to a severe culture clash - and a strain on the surface of Galantos's delicate gelatin pools.

The Fia have evolved to move about on the glutinous, oscillating surface of their organic pools. They are a squat, bottom-heavy species with paddle-shaped feet. Fia have a keen sense of balance, and the species has evolved a vital immunity to motion sickness. Fia do not feel comfortable on solid ground; they associate a rigid, motionless surface, particularly the dead wastelands outside their gelatin seas, with death itself.

The inhabitable areas of Galantos are few, even for the Fia. The Fian population has remained sparse, so as not to overtax their environment. Half a million Fia live on the planet, with perhaps ten thousand found elsewhere in the Farlax sector. Almost no Fia live in the greater galaxy outside the Core.

Fia are generally friendly among their own kind. A Fian hermit would be a shocking sight to this fellows. For this reason, the humber of communities on the planet is low, and many gelatin eas are uninhabited. The smallest villages are clusters of fiber-and-stone houses surrounded by rings of thorny arbu trees, which protect the inhabitants from skree-skaters and other predators. The largest cities, such as Gal'fian'deprisi, are modern constructions that incorporate ferrocrete and transparisteel. All Fian structures are engineered to move in concert with the rolling surface beneath them and can withstand all but the most violent "gelquakes". The Fia get much of their building material from mines in the outlying wastelands.

Fian culture is organized around seventeen Gods of Age, from Hus'yoyu (birth to age six) to Erio'anum (age ninety-seven to death). As a Fia ages, he or she worships a new god each time a life stage has expired. Often this change in worship results in significant behavioral changes. A Fia who was shy and studious may turn gregarious or seductive upon reaching a milestone birthday.
