Welcher SciFi/Fantasy Charakter seid Ihr?


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Meiner Einer ist:

Luke Skywalker

Boldly striving to overcome the darkness both in this world and within yourself, you are righteously devoted to forging your own destiny.

It's your choice, but I warn you not to underestimate my powers.

<p><a href="http://www.tk421.net/character/"><img src="http://www.tk421.net/character/luke.jpg" style="border-color:#f8f8ff;" height="179" width="263" border="2" alt="Which Fantasy/SciFi Character Are You?" /></a></p>
Ich bin Sam Gamdschie. :p

A brave and loyal associate full of optimism, you remain true to your friends and their efforts, to whatever end.

But in the end, it's only a passing thing, this shadow. Even darkness must pass. A new day will come. And when the sun shines it will shine out the clearer.

Ich wär' Agent Smith:

<p><a href="http://www.tk421.net/character/"><img src="http://www.tk421.net/character/agentsmith.jpg" style="border-color:#f8f8ff;" height="186" width="221" border="2" alt="Which Fantasy/SciFi Character Are You?" /></a></p>

With a coolly measured demeanor and adaptive thinking, you enforce your will on others using your multitude of abilities
Warum bin ich nicht überrascht?


A controlled personality with a vast range of skills and behavior, you are often intrigued by the people and places surrounding you.

In the strictest sense, I did not win -- I busted him up

Hm ... Michse sein *Trommelwirbel*

Anakin Skywalker (aber ich sehe besser aus in schwarz *gg*)

Struggling for self-assurance over hidden angst, you are highly adept and full of surprises.

I find your lack of faith disturbing.

Anakin Skywalker is a character in the Star Wars universe. The Star Wars Databank profiles his life story.


<p><a href="http://www.tk421.net/character/"><img src="http://www.tk421.net/character/anakin.jpg" width="170" height="213" style="border-color:#f8f8ff;" border="2" alt="Which Fantasy/SciFi Character Are You?" /></a></p>
wow, ich bin überrascht :D


Ceaselessly struggling for a well-deserved redemption, you carefully arrange your alliances and energies.

There is no greater power in the universe than the need for freedom.

Iiiks! o_O

Princess Leia

A strong-willed herald of causes against injustice, you passionately strive to right the wrongs around you.

Somebody has to save our skins!


Kann mich bitte jemand erschießen? o_O
A reclusive seer shrouded in riddles, you reveal very little and only what is deemed congruent with your plans.

Understanding is a three edged sword. Your side, their side, and the truth.


Aha, ein Boromir steckt also (auch) in mir.

Wie so oft bei solchen von Laien gemachten Fragebögen, hat die mangelhafte Auswahl der Antwortmöglichkeiten einen verfälschenden Einfluss auf das Ergebnis. Aber wahrscheinlich seh ich das Ganze zu streng, soll ja bloß ein unterhaltsames Spiel sein.
lol ich finds lustig....John Sheridan...welch zufall das ich gerade die 5te bab5 season fertig gesehn habe ;)

John Sheridan

An experienced survivor who has maneuvered around many obstacles, you are looked up to by those who rely on your good judgment.
Ich bin John Sheridan, wieso auch immer

<p><a href="http://www.tk421.net/character/"><img src="http://www.tk421.net/character/sheridan.jpg" width="152" height="227" style="border-color:#f8f8ff;" border="2" alt="Which Fantasy/SciFi Character Are You?" /></a></p>
A somber tactician who keeps emotional flares in check, you bravely refuse to back down when fighting for matters of honor.

Perhaps today is a good day to die! (Nein, ist es nicht...)

<p><a href="http://www.tk421.net/character/"><img src="http://www.tk421.net/character/worf.jpg" width="249" height="214" style="border-color:#f8f8ff;" border="2" alt="Which Fantasy/SciFi Character Are You?" /></a></p>

Ähem... gut, okay... meinetwegen... ich muss schleunigst zum Schädelplattenchirurgen...
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
ich bin palpi - ich habs immer gewusst :p

<p><a href="http://www.tk421.net/character/"><img src="http://www.tk421.net/character/palpatine.jpg" width="263" height="206" style="border-color:#f8f8ff;" border="2" alt="Which Fantasy/SciFi Character Are You?" /></a></p>
<p><a href="http://www.tk421.net/character/"><img src="http://www.tk421.net/character/galadriel.jpg" width="172" height="250" style="border-color:#f8f8ff;" border="2" alt="Which Fantasy/SciFi Character Are You?" /></a></p>
<p><a href="http://www.tk421.net/character/"><img src="http://www.tk421.net/character/aragorn.jpg" width="191" height="233" style="border-color:#f8f8ff;" border="2" alt="Which Fantasy/SciFi Character Are You?" /></a></p>

ja nu.... hätte schlimmer kommen können...
<p><a href="http://www.tk421.net/character/"><img src="http://www.tk421.net/character/spock.jpg" width="239" height="200" style="border-color:#f8f8ff;" border="2" alt="Which Fantasy/SciFi Character Are You?" /></a></p>
Master Kenobi schrieb:
<p><a href="http://www.tk421.net/character/"><img src="http://www.tk421.net/character/galadriel.jpg" width="172" height="250" style="border-color:#f8f8ff;" border="2" alt="Which Fantasy/SciFi Character Are You?" /></a></p>

Da sind wir schon mal zwei
<p><a href="http://www.tk421.net/character/"><img src="http://www.tk421.net/character/galadriel.jpg" width="172" height="250" style="border-color:#f8f8ff;" border="2" alt="Which Fantasy/SciFi Character Are You?" /></a></p>