
Chärim Bai

Hi ihr alle!

Ich habe eine Frage.
Ich interessiere mich sehr für die Rasse der Zabrak und ihre Heimatwelt Iridonia.

Leider findet man im Netz und anderswo wenig darüber.

Da ich vielleicht eine HP über die Zabrak machen möchte, würde ich mich sehr freuen, wenn ihr mir Daten geben könntet.

Vielen lieben Dank und möge die Macht mit euch sein
Kannst dich ja mal durch die unendlichen Weiten unseres allwissenden Forums wühlen ----> Die tolle Suchfunktion ;) Vielleicht wirst du ja fündig. In Sachen StarWars wurden all meine Fragen bisher hier im PSW beantwortet. Links kann ich dir leider keine geben.

this near-human species had several sub-species, each of which was distinguishable by the vestigial horns which ringed their heads. They were known for their ability to withstand great amounts of pain. The Zabrak races were native to the planet Iridonia, but discovered the ability to travel through space early in the history of the Old Republic. They quickly set out to colonize more hospitable worlds after a group of Duros explorers provided them with the knowledge of spaceflight. The strong will and self-confidence of the Zabrak led them to establish a number of colonies on remote worlds, each as loyal to its colony as to their homeworld.

Darth Sidious told Darth Maul that he was a native of this planet, located in the Mid Rim. Sidious explained that he found Maul as a baby and took him in to train as his apprentice. Iridonia was the homeworld of the Zabrak race, of which there were many different races characterized by their facial and cranial horns. The planet Iridonia was an inhospitable world, its surface scoured by 200-kilometer-per-hour storms and acidic seas which threw caustic spray onto the land. What arable land there was for the Zabrak to farm was located within canyons, away from the elements.

@Interceptor9: die Tales Geschichte "Phantom Menaces" spielt auf Iridonia... Luke besucht dort als Abgesannter der NR den Staatschef von Iridonia und trifft auf ein sehr wehrhaftes Hologram von Darth Maul...
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