Biggs Darklighter


In Episode IV trifft Luke biggs anscheinend das erste mal nachdem sie sich auf Tatooine trennten..Aber in "Der Kampf des Jedi" sagt Luke zu Corran Horn das sie vor dem Angriff auf den ersten Todesstern immer in einer Kammer gesessen hätten und sich Geschichten erzählt hätten.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
hab mal irgendwo gehoert dass die sich lange kennen und dass eine gesprächsszene zwischen den beiden rausgeschnitten wurde
aber wenn luke biggs in epIV trifft is ja wohl klar dass die sich schon länger kennen
Lest euch dies mal durch, da steht einiges über Biggs Vergangenheit drin aber auch in X-Wing erzählt sein Cousin Gavin Corran oder einem anderen, dass Biggs Luke schon lange kannte und sie in ihrer Jugend gute Freunde waren:

Biggs wuchs auf Tatooine auf. Als Sohn reicher Lebensmittelhändler hatte er mehr Vorteile als die meisten seiner Freunde. Dies trug dazu bei, daß er nur wenig Freund- schaften schloß. Sein Vater gab ihm alles, was er sich nur wünschte, in der Hoffnung, damit die Zeit gutzumachen, die er mit seinem Sohn verbringen konnte. Aber Geld ist kein Ersatz für die Liebe eines Vaters.

Biggs verbrachte immer mehr Zeit mit Gleichaltrigen in Anchorhead. Viele von ihnen hielten Abstand zu ihm und übertrugen die Meinung, die ihre Eltern von seinem Vater hatten, auf ihn. Doch Luke Skywalker war dazu erzogen worden, jemanden nach seinen Taten zu beurteilen. Die zwei wurden feste Freunde und sie hielten einen stillen Wettkampf ab. Sie rasten mit T-16´s durch Beggar´s Canyon und träumten davon, eines Tages zusammen die Imperiale Armee zu besuchen. Ihr Plan war es, eine Zeit lang in der Imperialen Navy zu Dienen und dann als Partner auf den Handelsrouten zu fliegen. Aber als die Zeit kam, mußte Luke zurückbleiben und auf der Farm helfen, während Biggs Vater seinen Sohn durch Beziehungen einschreiben konnte.

Nach einem hervorragenden Trainingsergebnis schloß Biggs mit Auszeichnung ab. Seinen ersten Einsatz absolvierte er als Erster Matrose aif dem Rand Ecliptic Han- delsschiff. Er hatte nur wenig Zeit bis zum Beginn der Reise, dennoch reichte sie ihm, um nach Tatooine zurückzukehren und Luke seine neuesten Pläne mitzuteilen. Während er auf der Akademie war, lernte er ein paar Sympathisanten der Rebellen kennen, die ihn in ihrer Mitte aufnahmen. Diese Gruppe wollte in naher Zukunft der Allianz beitreten und Biggs hoffte, daß Luke eines Tages zu ihnen stoßen würde.

Nachdem sie sich unerlaubt von der Truppe entfernt hatten, schlugen sich Biggs und die anderen Rebellen über Schmugglerrouten zur Massassi-Station in Yavin IV durch, wo er auch wieder auf Luke trifft. Dort diente Biggs stolz der Rebellion bis zu seinem heroischen Tod im Kampf um Yavin, wo er von Darth Vader´s TIE-Fighter im äquatorgraben des Todessterns abgeschossen wurde.
Hier die geschnittenen Biggs-Szenen:


Heat waves radiate from the dozen or so bleached white
buildings. Luke pilots his Landspeeder through the dusty empty street of the tiny settlement. An old woman runs to get out of the way of the speeding vehicle, shaking her fist at Luke as he flies past.

I've told you kids to slow down!

Luke pulls up behind a low concrete service station that is all but covered by the shifting desert sands.


Luke bursts into the power station, waking The Fixer, a rugged mechanic and Camie, a sexy, disheveled girl who has been asleep in his lap. They grumbled as he races through the office, yelling wildly.

Did I hear a young noise blast
through here?

It was just Wormie on another

Luke bounces into a small room behind the office where Deak
and Windy, two tough boys about the same age as Luke, are
playing a computer pool-like game with Biggs, a burly,
handsome boy a few years older than the rest. His flashy city attire is a sharp contrast to the loose-fitting tunics of the farm boys. A robot repairs some equipment in the background.

Shape it up you guys!... Biggs?

Luke's surprise at the appearance of Biggs gives way to
great joy and emotion. They give each other a great bear hug.

I didn't know you were back!
When did you get in?

Just now. I wanted to surprise
you, hot shot. I thought you'd be
here... certainly didn't expect
you to be out working.

The Academy didn't change you
much... but you're back so soon?
Hey, what happened, didn't you get
your commission?

Biggs has an air of cool that seems slightly phony.

Of course I got it. Signed
aboard The Rand Ecliptic last week.
First mate Biggs Darklighter at
your service...
(he salutes)
... I just came back to say goodbye
to all you unfortunate landlocked

Everyone laughs. The dazzling spectacle of his dashing
friend is almost too much for Luke, but suddenly he snaps out of it.

I almost forgot. There's a battle
going on! Right here in our system.
Come and look!

Not again! Forget it.


The group stumbles out into the stifling desert sun. Camie and The Fixer complain and are forced to shade their eyes. Luke has his binoculars out scanning the heavens.

There they are!

Biggs takes the electrobinoculars from Luke as the others strain to see something with the naked eye. Through the electrobinoculars Biggs sees two small silver specks.

That's no battle, hot shot... they're
just sitting there! Probably a
freighter-tanker refueling.

But there was a lot of firing

Camie grabs the electrobinoculars away banging them against the building in the process. Luke grabs them.

Hey, easy with those...

Don't worry about it, Wormie.

The Fixer gives Luke a hard look and the young farm boy
shrugs his shoulders in resignation.

I keep telling you, the Rebellion
is a long way from here. I doubt
if the Empire would even fight to
keep this system. Believe me Luke,
this planet is a big hunk of nothing...

Luke agrees, although it's obvious he isn't sure why. The
group stumbles back into the power station, grumbling about
Luke's ineptitude.

Luke and Biggs are walking and drinking a malt brew. Fixer and the others can be heard working inside.

(Very animated)
... so I cut off my power, shut down
the afterburners and came in low on
Deak's trail. I was so close I
thought I was going to fry my
instruments. As it was I busted up
the Skyhopper pretty bad. Uncle
Owen was pretty upset. He grounded
me for the rest of the season. You
should have been there... it was

You ought to take it a little easy
Luke. You may be the hottest
bushpilot this side of Mos Eisley,
but those little Skyhoppers are
dangerous. Keep it up, and one day,
whammo, you're going to be nothing
more than a dark spot on the down
side of a canyon wall.

Look who's talking. Now that
you've been around those giant
starships you're beginning to sound
like my uncle. You've gotten soft
in the city...

I've missed you kid.

Well, things haven't been the same
since you left, Biggs. It's been

Biggs looks around then leans close to Luke.

Luke, I didn't come back just to
say goodbye... I shouldn't tell
you this, but you're the only one
I can trust... and if I don't come
back, I want somebody to know.

Luke's eyes are wide with Biggs' seriousness and loyalty.

What are you talking about?

I made some friends at the Academy.
(he whispers)
... when our frigate goes to one
of the central systems, we're going
to jump ship and join the Alliance...

Luke, amazed and stunned, is almost speechless.

Join the Rebellion?! Are you
kidding! How?

Quiet down will ya! You got a
mouth bigger than a meteor crater!

I'm sorry. I'm quiet.
(he whispers)
Listen how quiet I am. You can
barely hear me...

Biggs shakes his head angrily and then continues.

My friend has a friend on Bestine
who might help us make contact.

YouÕre crazy! You could wander
around forever trying to find them.

I know it's a long shot, but if
I don't find them I'll do what I
can on my own... It's what we
always talked about. Luke, I'm
not going to wait for the Empire to
draft me into service. The Rebellion
is spreading and I want to be on the
right side - the side I believe in.

And I'm stuck here...

I thought you were going to the
Academy next term. You'll get your
chance to get off this rock.

Not likely! I had to cancel my
application. There has been a lot
of unrest among the Sand People since
you left... they've even raided
the outskirts of Anchorhead.

Your uncle could hold off a whole
colony of Sand People with one blaster.

I know, but he's got enough vaporators
going to make the place pay off. He
needs me for just one more season.
I can't leave him now.

I feel for you, Luke, you're going
to have to learn what seems to be
important or what really is important.
What good is all your uncle's work if
it's taken over by the Empire?... You
know they're starting to nationalize
commerce in the central systems...
it won't be long before your uncle
is merely a tenant, slaving for the
greater glory of the Empire.

It couldn't happen here. You said
it yourself. The Empire won't bother
with this rock.

Things always change.

I wish I was going... Are you
going to be around long?

No, I'm leaving in the morning...

Then I guess I won't see you.

Maybe someday... I'll keep a

Well, I'll be at the Academy next
season... after that who knows. I
won't be drafted into the Imperial
Starfleet that's for sure... Take
care of yourself, you'll always be
the best friend I've got.

So long, Luke.

Biggs turns away from his old friend and heads back towards the power station.
Und diese Szene wurde teilweise in der SE wieder eingefügt, natürlich ohne das ganze Geschwafel über Lukes Vater:

As Luke heads for his ship, another pilot rushes up to him and grabs his arm.

Luke! I don't believe it! How'd
you get here... are you going out
with us?!

Biggs! Of course, I'll be up there
with you! Listen, have I got some
stories to tell...

Red Leader, a rugged handsome man in his forties, comes up behind Luke and Biggs. He has the confident smile of a born leader.

Are you... Luke Skywalker? Have
you been checked out on the Incom

Sir, Luke is the best bushpilot in
the outer rim territories.

Red Leader pats Luke on the back as they stop in front of his fighter.

I met your father once when I was
just a boy. He was a great pilot.
You'll do all right. If you've
got half of your father's skill,
you'll do better than all right.

Thank you, sir. I'll try.

Red Leader hurries to his own ship.

I've got to get aboard. Listen,
you'll tell me your stories when we
come back. All right?

I told you I'd make it someday, Biggs.

(going off)
You did, all right. It's going
to be like old times Luke.
We're a couple of shooting stars
that'll never be stopped!

Luke laughs and shakes his head in agreement. He heads for his ship.
...und ich habe mich immer geärgert, daß die verlorenen Szenen nich in der SE waren...warum nur?...interessiert doch eh keinen ;)
Die Anchorheadszenen mit Luke, Biggs, Camie usw. sind auf der zweiten Disk von "Behind the Magic", falls es jemand noch nicht wissen sollte.
Original geschrieben von Master Kenobi
Die Anchorheadszenen mit Luke, Biggs, Camie usw. sind auf der zweiten Disk von "Behind the Magic", falls es jemand noch nicht wissen sollte.
Das wußte ich noch nicht........Riesen-Dank für die Info!!! :)

Werd' mir die Szene gleich anschauen....sobald mein Bruder mir "Behind the magic" zurückgibt! ;)
Biggs wurde auch bei einem Gespräch mit C-3PO auf Tatooine erwähnt, in der Special edition sieht man ganz klar das sie alte Freunde sind.
für die die noch nicht behind the magic hjaben und aus der umgebung darmstadt kommen: im promarkt gibt es behind the magic für 3? im mediamarkt nebendran kostet es 4?. ist nur ein tip am rande
Jetzt noch eine Frage zu Fixer. Ist es eigentlich bekannt welcher Schauspieler ihn verkörperte? Könnte es sich um Paul Le Mat (American Graffiti) handeln? Änhlichkeiten mit Robert Urich (TV-Serie "Vegas") sind auch vorzuweisen.:verwirrt:
Master Kenobi schrieb:
Fixer wurde von Anthony Forrest (aka Harper Quantrill) gespielt.

Vielen Dank Master Kenobi. Es scheint, als wäre dieser Anthony Forrest/Harper Quantrill) nur Gelegenheitsschauspieler. Seine Karriere hat er laut IMDb-Datenbank bereits 1986 an den Nagel gehängt (spielte seitdem nur noch in einer Folge einer TV-Serie) und Star Wars: Episode IV wird erst garnicht erwähnt!:eek:

Das ist aber keine Seltenheit im Filmgeschäft: Morris Bush (Dengar) hatte nebenbei einen Fischladen und war einmal Wrestler.

Da hatte Garrick Hagon (Biggs) ein Bißchen mehr Glück mit den Filmangeboten.