Was für ein Jedi bist Du?

You are a Tainted Jedi.

You walk to the beat of your own drummer, and whichever side of the Force serves to your advantage is the side you will use. Many may not agree with your methods, but you still get the job done. You have the potential to be the greatest at whatever you do. You are the chosen one.

Your destiny is in your hands. It's up to you to choose the path you will walk.

You are a Jedi Master.

You are the best the Jedi have to offer. You have great wisdom and your combat abilities are hard to match. The Force is your ally, and it is useful to solve difficult problems, to help you push yourself to your limits and to accomplish seemingly impossible feats. Patience and inner strength have made you the person you are now.

You are the pinnacle of the Jedi Order

Yoda lässt wohl grüßen....
Sind aber leider oft die selben Fragen mit den selben Antwortmöglichkeiten...
ich darf mich in die Liga der "You are a Jedi Master" einreihen..
Guardian hätte mir zwar mehr gefallen, oder auch Healer, aber Master ist ja auch nicht zu verachten ;) ;D
You are a Jedi Guardian.

The Republic wouldn't be the same without you. There are alternatives to fighting, but you will do what you have to do to defend the peace. Refine your skills by growing stronger in your connection to the Force. It will get you through many difficult circumstances.

May the Force be with you.
ou are a Tainted Jedi.

You walk to the beat of your own drummer, and whichever side of the Force serves to your advantage is the side you will use. Many may not agree with your methods, but you still get the job done. You have the potential to be the greatest at whatever you do. You are the chosen one.

Your destiny is in your hands. It's up to you to choose the path you will walk.

Und ich muß schon wieder ein Anakin sein :(
Das hat man davon wenn man ehrlich ist ... :(
You are a Jedi Master.

You are the best the Jedi have to offer. You have great wisdom and your combat abilities are hard to match. The Force is your ally, and it is useful to solve difficult problems, to help you push yourself to your limits and to accomplish seemingly impossible feats. Patience and inner strength have made you the person you are now.

You are the pinnacle of the Jedi Order.

You are a Tainted Jedi.

Keine Ahnung was das heißt, glaube, irgendwas, mit agressivität...

:D Clonecommander :D
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oO *hö*
You are a Jedi Master.

You are the best the Jedi have to offer. You have great wisdom and your combat abilities are hard to match. The Force is your ally, and it is useful to solve difficult problems, to help you push yourself to your limits and to accomplish seemingly impossible feats. Patience and inner strength have made you the person you are now.

You are the pinnacle of the Jedi Order.

das passt ned zu mir, muss ich nochma machen.^^

Die Fragen sind aber auch doof, wenn ich die Fernbedienung suche, dann sitze ich meistens drauf.^^
You are a Jedi Healer.

You are kind, compassionate and care about people. Your heart compels you to feel the pain of others and help alleviate it, even at your own expense. These qualities will draw people to you and heal them, not only physically, but emotionally as well.

The heart is a powerful force for healing.

Wie überraschend !! Na toll, gerade das Konzept kommt nicht mehr zur Umsetzung da ich leiten muss. :(
You are a Tainted Jedi.

You walk to the beat of your own drummer, and whichever side of the Force serves to your advantage is the side you will use. Many may not agree with your methods, but you still get the job done. You have the potential to be the greatest at whatever you do. You are the chosen one.

Your destiny is in your hands. It's up to you to choose the path you will walk.

Gut...sehr gut. Dass ich verdorben bin wusste ich aber schon vorher :D
Ja, man schleppt viel mit sich rum als tainted Jedi.

Danke für den coolen Link Master Kenobi.
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You are a Tainted Jedi.

You walk to the beat of your own drummer, and whichever side of the Force serves to your advantage is the side you will use. Many may not agree with your methods, but you still get the job done. You have the potential to be the greatest at whatever you do. You are the chosen one.

Your destiny is in your hands. It's up to you to choose the path you will walk

...alles hängt von uns Tainted Jedi ab ^^

Wenn wir die dunkle Seite wählen -> wird sie die Übermacht
Wenn wir ein Jedi bleiben -> das Gleichgewicht bleibt oder die Sith werden vernichtet

hahar wir sind die Besten *g* :braue
You are a Jedi Weapon Master.

A battle isn't a battle without your presence. Once you step into a room, people get out of your way. If you can't cut down your opponents with your wit, you'll gladly do it with your lightsaber. If anyone is going to try to bring down the Republic, they're going to have to go through you, and you will make sure that is no easy task.

All your enemies will fall at your feet.

Mace lässt grüßen ;)

Aber komischerweise bin ich nicht mal Sith, nach den Antworten die ich gegeben habe... :D
You are a Sith Lord.

You strike fear into the fearless. Legions will follow your command. Your power has no rival. Any lack of faith on your followers' part is a disturbing trait that makes them fit for elimination. With the Force, you have the power to bring the world to its knees.

Rise and meet your destiny.

Ja ja, die dunkle Seite ist doch stark in mir... ich wußte es schon immer... :D
Als wenn ich es nicht schon geahnt hätte:

You are a Jedi Master.

You are the best the Jedi have to offer. You have great wisdom and your combat abilities are hard to match. The Force is your ally, and it is useful to solve difficult problems, to help you push yourself to your limits and to accomplish seemingly impossible feats. Patience and inner strength have made you the person you are now.

You are the pinnacle of the Jedi Order.
You are a Sith Master.

You are ruthless. You know what you want, and you'll even use your enemies to get it. Your stealth and cunning work to your advantage. Your patience will be rewarded. The methods you employ are seen as downright evil, but you feel that the end justifies the means.

You know the power of the dark side.


Ich bin so bööööööössseee :D
You are a Tainted Jedi.

You walk to the beat of your own drummer, and whichever side of the Force serves to your advantage is the side you will use. Many may not agree with your methods, but you still get the job done. You have the potential to be the greatest at whatever you do. You are the chosen one.

Your destiny is in your hands. It's up to you to choose the path you will walk.

You are a Tainted Jedi.

You walk to the beat of your own drummer, and whichever side of the Force serves to your advantage is the side you will use. Many may not agree with your methods, but you still get the job done. You have the potential to be the greatest at whatever you do. You are the chosen one.

Your destiny is in your hands. It's up to you to choose the path you will walk.

Hmm..ja, passt schon irgendwie :)