Hardcore-Fan in Seattle

Thranduil schrieb:
ich glaube, er ist bei weitem nicht der einzige in diesem land, der so denkt
Ob das wohl an McDonalds, Burger King, KFC und Hollywood liegt? Wir kriegen das zwar auch ab, aber nicht in dem Maße wie die "da drüben". :D

Also auf den Film bin ich auch gespannt, aber ich kann auch warten bis der erste Megaandrang weg ist, ich muss nicht unbedingt in die allererste Vorstellung.
Hm, also ich bin nicht erschüttert darüber ;). Ich finde das einfach lustig.
Vielleicht sollte ich auch nächste Woche anfangen ... :D. Im Ernst, uns kann es doch völlig egal sein, was die Amis mit ihrer Freizeit tun, solange sie uns nicht schaden.
Ich kann aber auch warten, werde ihn wahrscheinlich am Samstag danach schauen gehen mit den gleichen Leuten, wie schon die letzten zwei Filme, da es einfach schon Tradition ist :p.
Boah sry das ist hart ^^
Ich würde mich dann lieber vor nen Studio setzen wo was gedreht oder gearbeitet wird für den Film und warten solange bis die mich reinlasen und mir was zeigen :p
Lowbacca schrieb:
In Seattle campiert Jeff Twieden bereits jetzt (noch ca. 22 Wochen bis Kinostart) vor seinem Kino, um auch wirklich rechtzeitig zum Opening Screen von ROTS in seinem Kinosessel zu sitzen. Schon 1999 erregte er mit einer ähnlichen Aktion zu TPM Aufmerksamkeit.
Die deutschen News gibt's bei darth-sonic und die original News bei komo TV.

Zitat Twieden: Star Wars is about independence and freedom. And that's really what this wait is about. That complete and utter independence. :p

Würdet ihr auch eine solche Aktion starten?

nein. ;)
der mann hat echt nerven :D
Walli Skywalker schrieb:
Boah sry das ist hart ^^
Ich würde mich dann lieber vor nen Studio setzen wo was gedreht oder gearbeitet wird für den Film und warten solange bis die mich reinlasen und mir was zeigen :p

Jap, das schon eher ^^

Ich mein, ich werd mir den Film wohl auch net am 19 (oder am 18 in der Mitternachtspremiere) reinziehen, sondern auf's WE warten, damit ich ihn mit meinem Schatz zusammen das erste Mal gucken kann. Es sei denn es passiert das unerwartete und er hat Do und Fr frei und kommt dann zu mir, was ich aber ehrlich gesagt bezweifle ...

Naja, dass der Typ vorm Kino campiert ist schön für ihn, ich für meinen Teil habe in den 4 Monaten bis zur Premiere was besseres zu tun ;)
Neues vom Superfan.

Er wurde von der Polizei verhaftet, weil es eine anonyme Beschwerde gab, dass er
den Buergersteig blockierte.
Aber er will zurueckkommen und dann ohne Klamotten (Schlafsack,etc.) stehend bis zum 19 Mai verbringen... :D

Hier der komplette Bericht:

ROTS Squatter Removed by Police

Be warned, the Man is watching you . Star Wars fan, Jeff Tweiten, was
removed by police from the sidewalk in front of the Cinerama Theatre in Seattle. 27-year-old Tweiten and his mini-camp had been sitting outside for 139 days straight in anticipation of the release of "Episode III: Revenge of the Sith" in theatres on May 19, and had not been booted because there had been no complaints. But according to SPD spokesman Sean Whitcomb, an anonymous caller did complain. "So the individual (Tweiten) was provided with a copy of the (no sit/no lay) ordinance, the individual was given a verbal admonition and told that, if he did not move, the individual would be cited the next day," Whitcomb said.

With a sleeping bag, finger-thawing cups of java and other supplies from friends, the Seattle artist had hoped to stay put until the opening much as he had for "Episode I" and "Episode II." But by a single anonymous complaint, the jig was up for Tweiten's stake-out. Three police officers and a traffic engineer arrived to assess the setup, Tweiten said. They told him he was blocking a pedestrian right-of-way, but said it very cordially. "They told me they didn't really want to do it. In fact, one said they felt like asses," Tweiten claimed. Tweiten's back up plan was to call Diamond Parking and see if he could relocate to a nearby lot. No luck.

Tweiten doesn't blame the officers, but he's disappointed in a city that he says has become so humorless and controlling that it can't tolerate a little color. Some who've noticed Tweiten's removal agree. "Seattle did its best to drive out the characters that made the city what it was," Scot Ranney said. "In the '80s and '90s Seattle turned from a city of art and interest to a city of Microsoft and dot-com money. A city of people who look at their toes instead of at people as they run down the sidewalks making sure they're not late for their Starbucks luncheon with others ... who think the acquisition of money and power is what life's all about." That's why Ranney and a lot of others moved to Bellingham in the past 15 years, he said. "With people who wanted to find a community that embraces their individualism."

Others insist that the law is the law. If homeless people are told to move along and not sit or sleep on sidewalks and in doorways, then why should a "Star Wars" fan be an exception just because he's a paying customer who is helping to promote a big-money movie? Still others simply see Tweiten as a self-indulgent slacker who ought to be working.

What they don't know, Tweiten says, is that he does work, saves his money and gives a whole lot of it away to charities. "I make enough money to be able to do this," he said. "But I also challenge the idea that you're wasting your time if you're not stuck in a cubicle all day."

But Seattle, in fact the world, hasn't seen the last of Jeff Tweiten. He plans on returning to the sidewalk before the Cinerama Theatre tomorrow -- on his own two feet.

Standing? Until May 19?

There's a long tradition in America of waiting in lines for openings, Tweiten reminded. For tickets for sports events, concerts, Ichiro bobble-heads, the sighting of a superstar. Tweiten's own grandmother used to camp out in front of the Silverdale Mall to be first in line for the opening of a sale.

To his credit, Tweiten did try to apply and pay for a street use permit, but the Department of Transportation turned him down.

"What next? Will we be denied the right of assembly?" Tweiten asked. "Then let's not have voting anymore. Let's just have the lawyers decide like they're doing in the governor's race." By this point Tweiten was pretty fired up. And he may need that zeal if he's going to literally make a stand. "I figure I can stand 16 hours a day if I take little breaks," he said. He admits it won't be comfy or easy but just the idea of being told he can't be out there fuels his motivation. "This time I'll either leave in shackles or an aid car," Tweiten vowed. "And, as soon as I get out of the hospital, I'll be back."

May the Force be with Jeff Tweiten.

Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
Tessek schrieb:
Neues vom Superfan.

Er wurde von der Polizei verhaftet, weil es eine anonyme Beschwerde gab, dass er
den Buergersteig blockierte.
Aber er will zurueckkommen und dann ohne Klamotten (Schlafsack,etc.) stehend bis zum 19 Mai verbringen... :D

Hier der komplette Bericht:

ROTS Squatter Removed by Police

Be warned, the Man is watching you . Star Wars fan, Jeff Tweiten, was
removed by police from the sidewalk in front of the Cinerama Theatre in Seattle. 27-year-old Tweiten and his mini-camp had been sitting outside for 139 days straight in anticipation of the release of "Episode III: Revenge of the Sith" in theatres on May 19, and had not been booted because there had been no complaints. But according to SPD spokesman Sean Whitcomb, an anonymous caller did complain. "So the individual (Tweiten) was provided with a copy of the (no sit/no lay) ordinance, the individual was given a verbal admonition and told that, if he did not move, the individual would be cited the next day," Whitcomb said.

With a sleeping bag, finger-thawing cups of java and other supplies from friends, the Seattle artist had hoped to stay put until the opening much as he had for "Episode I" and "Episode II." But by a single anonymous complaint, the jig was up for Tweiten's stake-out. Three police officers and a traffic engineer arrived to assess the setup, Tweiten said. They told him he was blocking a pedestrian right-of-way, but said it very cordially. "They told me they didn't really want to do it. In fact, one said they felt like asses," Tweiten claimed. Tweiten's back up plan was to call Diamond Parking and see if he could relocate to a nearby lot. No luck.

Tweiten doesn't blame the officers, but he's disappointed in a city that he says has become so humorless and controlling that it can't tolerate a little color. Some who've noticed Tweiten's removal agree. "Seattle did its best to drive out the characters that made the city what it was," Scot Ranney said. "In the '80s and '90s Seattle turned from a city of art and interest to a city of Microsoft and dot-com money. A city of people who look at their toes instead of at people as they run down the sidewalks making sure they're not late for their Starbucks luncheon with others ... who think the acquisition of money and power is what life's all about." That's why Ranney and a lot of others moved to Bellingham in the past 15 years, he said. "With people who wanted to find a community that embraces their individualism."

Others insist that the law is the law. If homeless people are told to move along and not sit or sleep on sidewalks and in doorways, then why should a "Star Wars" fan be an exception just because he's a paying customer who is helping to promote a big-money movie? Still others simply see Tweiten as a self-indulgent slacker who ought to be working.

What they don't know, Tweiten says, is that he does work, saves his money and gives a whole lot of it away to charities. "I make enough money to be able to do this," he said. "But I also challenge the idea that you're wasting your time if you're not stuck in a cubicle all day."

But Seattle, in fact the world, hasn't seen the last of Jeff Tweiten. He plans on returning to the sidewalk before the Cinerama Theatre tomorrow -- on his own two feet.

Standing? Until May 19?

There's a long tradition in America of waiting in lines for openings, Tweiten reminded. For tickets for sports events, concerts, Ichiro bobble-heads, the sighting of a superstar. Tweiten's own grandmother used to camp out in front of the Silverdale Mall to be first in line for the opening of a sale.

To his credit, Tweiten did try to apply and pay for a street use permit, but the Department of Transportation turned him down.

"What next? Will we be denied the right of assembly?" Tweiten asked. "Then let's not have voting anymore. Let's just have the lawyers decide like they're doing in the governor's race." By this point Tweiten was pretty fired up. And he may need that zeal if he's going to literally make a stand. "I figure I can stand 16 hours a day if I take little breaks," he said. He admits it won't be comfy or easy but just the idea of being told he can't be out there fuels his motivation. "This time I'll either leave in shackles or an aid car," Tweiten vowed. "And, as soon as I get out of the hospital, I'll be back."

May the Force be with Jeff Tweiten.


Könnte aus der Bild sein :rolleyes:
wieso können die leute ihn nicht einfach da sitzen lassen? ich kann mir wirklich nicht vorstellen, dass das stört.
ich halte ihn zwar auch für ein bisschen irre, aber wenn er spaß dran hat soll er doch machen was er will.
Spicy schrieb:
wieso können die leute ihn nicht einfach da sitzen lassen? ich kann mir wirklich nicht vorstellen, dass das stört.
ich halte ihn zwar auch für ein bisschen irre, aber wenn er spaß dran hat soll er doch machen was er will.
Es gibt eben Leute, die müssen sich immer wichtig machen :rolleyes: .
geile sache..... lol das kann wirklich NUR den amis einfallen... und dieser artikel der könnte wirklich aus der bild stammen... man man man... wieder mal voll übertrieben
Spicy schrieb:
wieso können die leute ihn nicht einfach da sitzen lassen? ich kann mir wirklich nicht vorstellen, dass das stört.
ich halte ihn zwar auch für ein bisschen irre, aber wenn er spaß dran hat soll er doch machen was er will.

Da bin ich voll deiner Meinung.. die solln ihn doch dort lassen und passt ^^

ich würd das aber trotzdem nie machen, ich bin verrückt aber auf sowas würd nicht mal ich kommen.. vorallem würd ich ma was besseres mit meiner zeit anzufangen wissen..
Jedihammer schrieb:
Und wo weht er auf das WC ?

die frage hab ich mir vorhin auch schon gestellt.

wie alt ist der kerl eigentlich? hab ich wohl irgendwie vergessen.
ich bin auch sicher, dass er keinen job hat, aber vielleicht hat er sich einfach sehr lange frei genommen. in amerika ist ja anscheinend nichts unmöglich :D
Wenn ich mir für ein bestimmtes Ereignis Karten sichern kann indem ich vorbestelle, mach ich das.
Monatelang vor einem Geschäft/Kino/oder was auch immer zu campen wäre für mich der pure Schwachsinn.
Zumal dann die besten Karten durch den Vorverkauf weg sind und er nur noch die besten Karten von der Abendkasse bekommt. Wenn es dann noch welche gibt... :D
Wenn das eintreten sollte, dann beißt er sich sicher in den Ar***. Gegen alle anatomischen Einwände! :D :D :D
aber sind die leute vom kino nicht wenigstens so nett ihm früh genug bescheid zu sagen und ihm ne karte zu reservieren? immerhin wissen, die ja, dass er da seit wochen rumhängt :) ( ist er jetzt mittlerweile wieder vor dem kino oder musste er wirklich weg?)