Guess the movie quote...

Danke Danke ^^

Ja, Snatch ist richtig, den genauen Namen von der Figur weiss ich jez nicht mehr, aber ich lass es mal gelten.
Du bist dran, Lowbacca.
mh Jay hats gesagt ;)

mh ok jetzt mal was schwereres (glaub ich, aber ihr habt 2 wochen zeit, da ich in urlaun fahre :D)

"We're both stumbling around together in this unformed world, whose rules and objectives are largely unknown, seemingly indecipherable or even possibly nonexistent, always on the verge of being killed by forces that we don't understand"
Existenz (hab vergessen, welche Buchstaben groß geschreiben werden:D), oder? Hab die deutsche Entsprechung des Zitats mal irgendwo gelesen, und ich meine im Zusammenhang mit Existenz...
W.: We're kind of in the middle of something.
S.: Well, you can play holodeck another time. Right now, I'm in charge.
W.: Yeah, what are you gonna do if we don't especially feel like maybe playing your -- What are, wait, what are you doing?
S., picking up a Star Wars action figure: Examine my chip, or else Mister Fett here is the first to die.
J.: Hey, all right, let's not do anything crazy here.
A.: That's a limited edition 1979 mint condition Boba Fett!

is von ner TV-Serie...:D
juhu ^^

O: Hmm. Bob... Can I call you Bob?

T: Even though you achieve nothing.

O: Unless that's exactly what we were trying to achieve.

T: Kirk, you can talk to me, or you can talk to the C.I.A.

O: Ooh. All right. I'll be honest with you, Bob. My name's not Kirk. It's
Skywalker. Luke Skywalker.

ebenfalls aus ner tv serie ;)