Re: Laufschrift Frage
@kenobi: das hab ich mir fast gedacht.
jo, AFAIR = as far as I remember = soweit ich mich erinnere
MTFBWY ----- diese Frage in einem SW-Forum is aber, äh, ja was eigentlich? ----- = May the force be with you.
ok, Einführungskurs Abk (Abkürzungen)
lol = loughing out loud
rotfl = rolling on the floor laughing
*g* = grin(sen)
*bg* = big grin
*fg* = kenn ich als 'fies grins'
cu = see you
cul8er = see you later
2l8 = to late
afaik = as far as I know
afair = as far as I remember
brb = be right back
MTFBWY = may the force be with you
LLAP = live long and prosper (ST)
ST = Star Trek
SW = Star Wars
HTML = hypertext markup language
http= hypertext transfer protocol
WYSIWYG = what you see is what you get
WYSIWYN = what you see is what you need (to see)
pop = post office protocol
smtp = simple mail transfer protocol
wap = wireless application protocol
diese liste ließe sich de facto unendlich fortsetzen....
btw: du hast gelogen, du sagts, du kennst keine Abk, benutzt aber im ersten Post ROTJ :rollin: