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November 08, 2004 - The Beginning of the End... (6 neue bzw. geänderte Einträge)
For three long years the Clone Wars have torn apart the galaxy. Despite the skills of highly trained clone troopers led by Jedi Generals, the Republic fails to decisively defeat the Confederacy of Independent Systems. The battle burns brightest in the scattered fronts of the Outer Rim Sieges. As desperation grows and heroes rise on both sides of the war, the Separatists, led by Count Dooku and General Grievous, make an ambitious strike at the heart of the galaxy. Thus the stage is set, and events are put into motion that will culminate in the fall of the Republic, the end of the Jedi order, and the rise of Darth Vader...

May 04, 2005 - A Stab at the Heart (13 neue bzw. geänderte Einträge)
Insulated in the heart of the Core, enveloped by defensive barriers and formidable bulwarks, the citizens of Coruscant thought themselves untouchable by the horrors of war. Sure, transmissions from the unruly Outer Rim broadcast the violence and tragedy from the Republic's most distant and contentious worlds, but that was so far away...

As the audacious General Grievous proved, nowhere was safe. With a lightning strike that penetrated Coruscant's defenses, Grievous not only stabbed at the heart of the Republic, but he plucked it out. The droid general kidnapped the revered Chancellor Palpatine from his very quarters. An immense battle erupted in the skies of Coruscant, ensnaring thousands of warships -- but the outcome of this pivotal operation rested in the skills of two daring Jedi, each aboard a tiny starfighter, racing to their objective and trusting in the Force.

May 11, 2005 - Unrest in the Senate (11 neue bzw. geänderte Einträge)
"As a practical matter, the Senate no longer exists..." This uncharacteristically gloomy proclamation from frustrated political idealist, Mon Mothma, is nonetheless accurate.

Democracy is one of the casualties of the Clone Wars. In a conflict started by traitors to the Republic, Supreme Chancellor Palpatine surrounded himself with loyalist Senators determined to preserve the grand institution. The Republic they idealize, however, is only a shadow. By the time the first cannons fire in the Clone Wars, the government is already riddled by corruption.

In the state of emergency sparked by the war, Palpatine instituted sweeping proclamations that transformed the system, taking power away from the Senate -- from the people. These are some of the politicians active in the twilight days of the Senate and the trappings of their declining office.

May 27, 2005 - Wookiee World (17 neue bzw. geänderte Einträge)
An arboreal world teeming with robust, aggressive lifeforms, Kashyyyk's wilderness has barely been tamed by the native Wookiees. The fur-covered giants exist peacefully within their niche in the hostile ecosystem, living in balance with the nature that surrounds them. The planet is a gateway to several major astrogational routes, making it of prime strategic importance to whoever controls the system. During the Clone Wars, the Separatists attacked the world, hoping to overwhelm the Wookiees with their droid forces. The Republic bolstered the native armies with their clone troopers, led by one of their most powerful Jedi warriors, Yoda.

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June 17, 2005 - Showdown on Utapau (18 neue bzw. geänderte Einträge)
The Clone Wars began on Geonosis, a barren world beyond the Republic's sphere of control. They ended on a comparably obscure planet: Utapau -- a planet were colossal erosion has become a cradle to a unique and striking civilization, a world that has cowed to the terrifying might of the Separatists, and the last bastion of the Confederacy and their cyborg leader. Here, Obi-Wan Kenobi leads his loyal clone forces to finally face the faceless scourge of the Jedi, General Grievous. As battle erupts a momentous tide begun on Coruscant engulfs Utapau, and the clone troopers suddenly switch allegiance and the very nature of the war itself changes.
July 05, 2005 - Execute Order 66 (19 neue bzw. geänderte Einträge)

Citizens of the Republic, a terrible truth has been revealed. The Jedi order, tasked with waging the Clone Wars over these past three years, has been hiding a shocking secret. They have been steadfastly eroding away the principles of the Republic, drawing power to themselves in a wicked bid to subvert our cherished institutions. The Jedi are treasonous! They have attempted to assassinate the Chancellor! They are enemies of the state!

Thankfully, the soldiers under their command are bred with unquestionable loyalty and integrity. At the executive behest of the Chancellor, they are rooting out the source of this betrayal. The remaining Jedi will be hunted down and be brought to justice. With the inefficiencies and treacherous elements of the Republic swept away, the New Order of the First Galactic Empire will stand ever stronger for a safe and secure society.