In den Weiten des Netzes gefunden:
VADER: You strike first.
BEN: No, you strike first.
VADER: I'm not gonna strike first, you strike first!
BEN: You gnarled old geezer -- strike first!
VADER: I fart in your general direction, Obi-Wan -- now strike already!
BEN: You're mother was a hamster, Darth, and I'm not going to strike first, I said!
VADER: Bah! Your father smelt of elderberries -- strike, damn you strike!
BEN: Not a chance, you astmatic jukebox -- you can strike first, not I!
VADER: For crying out loud, you hammy-acting relic, STRIKE!
BEN: Why, Darth, so you can... strike back?
VADER: (goan) Hey, old man, we're taunting each other, not telling bad puns! Didn't you read the above line from Simon Lee?!?
BEN: I guess the circle is now complete, eh, Darthy-boy?
VADER: Wha -- that's MY line, you overgrown Jawa! That's it, I'm atriking first!
BEN: Go ahead, Mr. "Dark Lord" -- I dare ya'! Idouble dare ya! I triple dare ya!
VADER: I... have HAD... enough... of... YOU!
BEN: Who are you now, William Shatner?
VADER: That did it! Now, I'm mad! Have at thee! Yaaahhh!
[immer noch Pause]
BEN: I'm waiting...
Vader: What's going on here!? My lightsaber doesn't work!
BEN: Better check your batteries, you wheezing lava-head!
VADER: (checks batteries)Wha -- Aaaaaarrrggghhhh!!!!!!
BEN: Your powers are weak, old man! Nothing outlasts the Energizer!
(VVVVVRRRRTTTTTTT! ::::thud:::: sound of bunny banging drum)
VADER: You strike first.
BEN: No, you strike first.
VADER: I'm not gonna strike first, you strike first!
BEN: You gnarled old geezer -- strike first!
VADER: I fart in your general direction, Obi-Wan -- now strike already!
BEN: You're mother was a hamster, Darth, and I'm not going to strike first, I said!
VADER: Bah! Your father smelt of elderberries -- strike, damn you strike!
BEN: Not a chance, you astmatic jukebox -- you can strike first, not I!
VADER: For crying out loud, you hammy-acting relic, STRIKE!
BEN: Why, Darth, so you can... strike back?
VADER: (goan) Hey, old man, we're taunting each other, not telling bad puns! Didn't you read the above line from Simon Lee?!?
BEN: I guess the circle is now complete, eh, Darthy-boy?
VADER: Wha -- that's MY line, you overgrown Jawa! That's it, I'm atriking first!
BEN: Go ahead, Mr. "Dark Lord" -- I dare ya'! Idouble dare ya! I triple dare ya!
VADER: I... have HAD... enough... of... YOU!
BEN: Who are you now, William Shatner?
VADER: That did it! Now, I'm mad! Have at thee! Yaaahhh!
[immer noch Pause]
BEN: I'm waiting...
Vader: What's going on here!? My lightsaber doesn't work!
BEN: Better check your batteries, you wheezing lava-head!
VADER: (checks batteries)Wha -- Aaaaaarrrggghhhh!!!!!!
BEN: Your powers are weak, old man! Nothing outlasts the Energizer!
(VVVVVRRRRTTTTTTT! ::::thud:::: sound of bunny banging drum)