Kultige Sprüche aus Filmen

"Was ist heute? Tag des Arschlochs?" - 10 Dinge die ich an dir hasse....

"Meins?" "MEINS!!!! MEINS!!!! MEINS!!!!" - Findet Nemo

"Hakuna Matata" - König der Löwen

*aufhören sollte*
Okay, wir haben ca. 1000 Probleme vor uns, aber jetzt sind wir leider erst bei Nummer 8, und da redest du schon von Nummer 692.
von Jim Lovell in APOLLO 13

Der nächste, der sagt, ich wär tot, kriegt eine Kugel in den Kopf.

Du bist jetzt einer von uns, Kumpel. Würde hat nicht das Geringste damit zu tun.
von Faultier Sid aus ICE AGE

In welcher Welt hättest du mich je schlagen können?
aus Ritter aus Leidenschaft

Wie viele Menschen sind nötig, Admiral, bevor aus Recht Unrecht wird? Mh? 1.000? 50.000? 1 Million? Wie viele Menschen sind nötig, ADMIRAL?
von Picard aus Star Trek ? Der Aufstand

Ran an die Waffen, (klick-klick) laden und schießen!
von Data aus Star Trek ? Der Aufstand

Machomäßig blöd, aber machomäßig!
von Gib aus True Lies
"keine Sorge das ist nicht gerade der Tag der herzlichen Begrüssungen"

"Wie solls mir gehen mir wurde ins bein geschossen?"
(Stirb langsam3)

"Du tust viel um dich bemerkbar zu machen"
(Stirb langsam3)

"wir sollten das mitnehmen sonst spielen noch Kinder damit"
(Stirb langsam3)

"Na gut,dann werde ich euch nicht mehr im weg stehen"
(Han Solo)Ep.6

"hmmmm.......ich würde sagen du jemanden gefunden hast"

"wolltest du gerade Neeger zu mir sagen,komm gib es doch zu"
(Stirb langsam3)

"Nein ich wollte ********* zu dir sagen"
(Stirb langsam3)
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Original geschrieben von Captain.Solo
Boah die stirb langsam Filme sind der Knaller ! :D .

Autsch! Wenn du so `nen Gefühl hast, geht doch bestimmt ein Versicherungskonzern pleite.

Dieselbe Scheiße passiert demselben Mann zum zweiten Mal.
von John McClain in STIRB LANGSAM 2
Ja entschuldigung wegen meiner Wortwahl das war halt in den Filmen so :D .

"Oh nein,Ich hab den Goldbarren auf dem Rücksitz liegen gelassen"
(Stirb langsam3)

@ alpha7 die Sätze sind wirklich zum ablachen
:D .
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
"Einmal....Nur ein EINZIGES MAL, möchte ich normal Weihnachten feiern!"

"Eine Frage hätte ich noch.. Auf was reagieren ihre Detektoren eigentlich zuerst? Auf das Blei in ihrem Hintern oder die Scheiße im Gehirn?.....*Fetter Furz*"

John McClane - Die Harder
Schwede,sag was liebes zu dem Onkel-"Ich reiß Dir den Kopf ab und ****** Dir in den Hals"

"Schwede Johannson zu Ausbildungssergeant Highway in Heardbrack Ridge
doppelposting, die haben sonst net alle Platz *G* hab ich mir so ueber die Jahre in ner eigenen Liste angesammelt...


Star Trek

Admiral Kirk zu Pille: ?Aber als Arzt solltest du eigentlich wissen, wie gefährlich es ist, alte Wunden wieder aufzureißen.?

Khan: "Kennst du das klingonische Sprichwort, das sagt: Rache ist ein Gericht, das am besten kalt serviert wird? Es ist sehr kalt im Universum..."

Captain Spock: "The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, or the one!"

Admiral Kirk: "Mein Gott, Pille... Was habe ich getan?"
Pille: "Was du tun musstest. Was du immer tust. Das Richtige."

Captain: Spock: "Ich habe einen Bruder verloren."
Admiral Kirk: "Ich auch- aber ich hatte Glück. Sie sind wiedergekommen, Spock."
Pille: "Sagtest du nicht, Männer wie wir haben keine Familie?"
Admiral Kirk: "Ich hab mich geirrt."

Scotty: "Admiral, something wrong with your chair?"

Capt. Jean-Luc Picard: ?What we leave behind is not as important as how we've lived. After all, Number One, we're only mortal.?
Cmdr. William T. Riker: ?Speak for yourself, Sir. I plan to live forever. ?

Worf: "Vielleicht ist heute ein besonders guter Tag zum Sterben..."

Cr. Riker: "Versuch nicht, ein großer Mann zu sein. Sei einfach ein Mann. Und lass die Geschichte ihr eigenes Urteil fällen."

Cr. Riker: "YAK? I kiss you, and you say ?YAK??"
Deanna: ?Never kissed you with a beard before!?

Cr. Riker: "Smooth as an android's button, ey, Data?"

Calvert: ?Nicht einmal Gott selbst könnte dieses Schiff versenken!?
- Titanic

Robin: "She knows who we are. Guess, we'll have to kill her."
Batman: "Yeah. Kill her later. We've got work to do."
- Batman and Robin

X-Men 2
Xavier: "Logan, I allowed you to smoke in the house, but if you keep this thing on in here, I'll make you think you're a seven year old girl for the rest of your life."
Logan: "You'd do that?"
Xavier: "I'd ask Jean to plait your hair."

Bobby's Mom bout Bobby's mutation and its consequences... "This is all my fault."
Pyro: "Actually, it's been discovered that the males carry the mutation genes, so it's his fault." *points at Bobby's dad*

Kingpin: "Anything else?"
Bullseye: "Yeah. I want a friggin costume."
- Daredevil

The last Unicorn
hunter 1: ?I mislike the feel of these woods. Creatures that live in a unicorn's forest learn a little magic of their own in time; mainly concerned with disappearing."
hunter 2: "Unicorns? I thought they only existed in fairy tales. This is a forest like any other- isn't it?"
hunter 1: "Then why do the leaves never fall here? Or the snow? Why is it always spring here? I tell you, there is one unicorn left in the world, and as long as it lives in this forest, we'll find no game to hunt here."
hunter 2: "Let's turn around; hunt somewhere else."
hunter 1: "Alright. Stay where you are, poor beast! Stay in your forest and keep your trees green, and your friends protected! And good luck to you, for you are the last!"

Molly: "Oh, can it truly be? Where have you been? Damn you, where have you been?!?"
Schmendrick: "Don't you talk to her that way!"
the Unicorn: "I'm here now."
Molly: "Oh, ho ho ho! And where were you twenty years ago? Ten years ago? Where were you when I was new? When I was one of those innocent young maidens you always come to... How dare you?! How dare you come to me now! When I am this!"

the Unicorn: "You are a true magician now, as you always wished. Does it make you happy?"
Schmendrick: "Well, men don't always know when they're happy, but I... I think so."
the Unicorn: "I'm a little afraid to go home. I have been mortal, and some part of me is mortal yet. I am no longer like the others. For no unicorn was ever born who could regret, and now I do. I regret."
Schmendrick: "I'm sorry. I have done you evil, and I cannot undo it."
the Unicorn: "No. Unicorns are in the world now. No sorrow will live in me as long as that joy- save one, and I thank you for that part too. Farewell, good magician, for I shall try to go home."

Tomb Raider 2: The Cradle of Life
Lara bout Pandorra's box: "This could kill millions of innocent people."
Terry: "Now you're dramatizing."

Terry: "See, all your believes, all your ideals are not real. I am. And you've loved me. I don't know how strong you think you are but I will not let you chose them over me. Now, move."
Lara: "No."
Terry: "Fine, then." *raises gun- and falls, dead*

Jurassic Park
Ian: "Gott erschafft Dinosaurier. Gott vernichtet Dinosaurier. Gott erschafft Adam. Adam vernichtet Gott. Adam erschafft Dinosaurier."
Elly: "Dinosaurier fressen Adam- und Eva besitzt die Erde..."

John Hammond: ?When they opened Disneyland in 1956, nothing worked.?
Dr. Ian Malcolm: ?Yeah, but John, if the Pirates of the Caribbean breaks down, the pirates don't eat the tourists.?

John Hammond: ?Don't worry, I'm not making the same mistakes again.?
Dr. Ian Malcolm: ?No, you're making all new ones.?

Dr. Ian Malcolm: ?Sarah! Sarah!?
Nick Van Owen: ?Sarah Harding!?
Dr. Ian Malcolm: ?How many Sarahs you think are on this island? Sarah!?

Ian Malcolm: ?Oh! Ah! That's how it always starts. Then later there's running and screaming.?

Dr. Sarah Harding: ?I love you. I just don't... need you right now.?
Dr. Ian Malcolm: ?I'll tell you what you NEED, a good anti-psychotic!?
Dr. Sarah Harding: ?I'll be back in five or six days.?
Dr. Ian Malcolm: ?No, you'll be back in five or six PIECES!?

Ian Malcolm: ?Taking dinosaurs off this island is the worst idea in the long, sad history of bad ideas.?

[Eddie Carr after finding Ian, Sarah, and Nick trapped in a trailer hanging over a cliff] ?What do you need??
Dr. Ian Malcolm: ?Rope!?
Eddie Carr: ?OK, rope! Anything else??
Dr. Ian Malcolm: ?Yeah, three double cheeseburgers with everything!?
Nick van Owen: ?No onions on mine!?
Dr. Sarah Harding: ?And an apple turnover!?

Ian Malcolm: ?Why doesn't anyone listen to me? I speak simple English, I don't have an accent as far as I can tell.?

Sarah Harding after re-capturing the baby T-Rex in San Diego: ?How do we find the adult??
Ian Malcolm: ?Just follow the screams.?

The man in the iron mask
Athos: ?D'Artagnan, I have never known a finer man than you nor cared more for a friend, but if this king harms my son merely to take a lover, then this king will become my enemy. And so will any man who stands between that enemy and me.?

D'Artagnan: ?You are constantly surrounded by beautiful women. Do you love any of them??
King Louis XIV: ?Well, many of them, to be honest... You think my affairs are empty...?
D'Artagnan: ?I think that it is possible for one man to love one woman all his life and be the better for it, yes.?

Athos to D'Artagnan: ?The next time we meet one of us will die!?

D'Artagnan: ?Anna, to love you is treason against France. But not to love you is treason against my heart.?
Queen Mother Anna: "Then we'll both die traitors, D'Artagnan."

Athos: ?It's ludicrous.?
Aramis: ?I can assure you it's brilliant. What did you imagine we were up to?"
Athos ... "Revolution, open war.
Aramis: ?Blood in the streets??
Porthos: ?At least it's a change.?

King Louis XIV: ?D'Artagnan! I may be a young king, but I AM King.?
D'Artagnan: ?Then be a good King, your Majesty.?

D'Artagnan and Anna kissing, him stopping her. "No! If someone sees us, this means death!"
Anna: "If I don't kiss you, I'll die anyway."

Athos: ?Once I, once all of us, believed in serving something greater than ourselves. Aramis had his faith, Porthos his lust for life, D'Artagnan his devotion and I had Raoul. It is what we dreamt, what we bled for. But we all had a common dream. That one day we would serve a king worthy of the throne. I taught Raoul to believe in that dream, and now my son is dead. And now I want to know if my son's life was in vain, and the only person who can answer that is you.?

Christine: ?We will burn in hell for it.?
King Louis XIV: ?No, no, my dear. You will burn in hell. But not I, for I am King... ordained by God!?

Athos: ?What gives you the right to judge me, to play god with the lives of others? Is it because you are so much holier than everyone else??
Aramis: ?Well, there is that , but also because I am more intelligent than anybody else.?

Athos: ?What is Porthos doing??
Aramis: ?Walking into the barn naked . Or so it would seem.?
Athos: ?To do what??
Aramis: ?To hang himself I should think. He's been threatening to do it for months.? Aramis after the barn collapses: ?I'm a genius, not an engineer.?

Aramis: ?Our old uniforms. I was saving them. So that we might wear them in death... AND SO WE SHALL!?

Aramis: ?Athos, if we fail in this - and we probably will - it will be an honor to die beside you.?

Porthos: ?I'd rather die covered in blood than an old man lying in my own piss!?

Arthos, Portos, Aramis, D?Artagnan and Philippe: "All for one, and one for all!"

D'Artagan to Phillipe: ?Even if I could give up my king, I could never give up my son. I loved your mother. I love her still. I never knew you existed, and I have never felt pride as a father until now.?

Forrest Gump
Forrest: "Das Leben ist wie eine Schachtel Pralinen- man weiß nie, was man kriegt..."

Drill Sergeant: ?Gump! What's your sole purpose in this army??
Forrest: ?To do whatever you tell me, drill sergeant!?
Drill Sergeant: ?God damn it, Gump! You're a god damn genius! This is the most outstanding answer I have ever heard. You must have a goddamn I.Q. of 160. You are goddamn gifted, Private Gump.?

Forrest: "Shit happens. Sometimes..."

Lieutenant Dan: ?Have you found God yet, Gump??
Gump: ?I didn't know I was supposed to be looking for him.?

Ghost, Nachricht von Sam
Oda Mae Brown: ?He's stuck, that's what it is. He's in between worlds. You know it happens sometimes that the spirit gets yanked out so fast that the essence still feels it has work to do here.?
Sam Wheat: ?Would you stop rambling??
Oda Mae Brown: ?I don't think I'm rambling, I'm just answering the question. He's got a' attitude now.?
Sam Wheat: ?I don't have an attitude.?
Oda Mae Brown: ?Yes, you do have an attitude. If you didn't have an attitude, you would not have raised your voice at me now would you??
Sam Wheat: ?Goddamn...?
Oda Mae Brown: ?Don't you ?Goddan...? me. Don't you take the Lord's name in vain with me. I don't take that!?
Sam Wheat: ?Would you relax??
Oda Mae Brown: ?No, you relax, YOU'RE the dead guy!?

Oda Mae Brown: ?Why don't you go haunt a house? Rattle some chains or something!?

Oda Mae Brown: ?I know you don't think I'm giving this 4 million dollars to a bunch of nuns!?
Sam: ?Think of it this way, you'll go to Heaven.?
Oda Mae Brown: ?I don't want to go to Heaven, I want to go to the bank and cash a goddamn CHECK!!!?

Sam Wheat after Oda Mae gave a four-million-dollar check to some nuns: ?I'm proud of you, Oda Mae!?
Oda Mae Brown: ?You know something, Sam? I don't care if you're proud of me. You just stay away from me from now on. What is that nun going to do with it? She can't even buy underwear!?

Sam Wheat: ?It's amazing, Molly. The love inside, you take it with you.?

Men In Black
J: "Wissen Sie, was der Unterschied zwischen Ihnen und mir ist? Ich seh in dem Outfit cool aus."

K: ?Human thought is so primitive, it's looked upon as an infectious disease in some of the better galaxies. That kind of makes you proud, doesn't it??

K: "Wir veranstalten hier kein intergalaktisches Freibiersaufen!"

10 Dinge die ich an dir hasse
Cat: "Was ist heute, Tag des Arschlochs? "

Mr. Stratfort: ?Oops? Meine Versicherung zahlt nicht für prämenstruelle Zicken!?

The Mummy
Rick O'Connell: ?I've been to Hamunaptra.?
Evelyn: ?You swear??
Rick O'Connell: ?Every damn day.?

Star Wars:
Obi Wan Kenobi: ?You know, you were right bout one thing, Master... The negotiations WERE short."

Obi-Wan Kenobi: "Why do I get the feeling that you'll be the death of me?"

Ani: "Well, and once we were there, we got into aggressive negotiations..."
Padmé: "What's that?"
Ani: "Um... Negotiations with a light sabre."

Padmé: "We'd be living a lie, I couldn't do that. Could you, Anakin? Could you live like that?"

Padmé: "Once we get there, let me talk. I want to try finding a diplomatic solution."
Ani: "Don't worry. I've given up trying to contradict you."

Padmé: "I truly, deeply love you. And before we die, I wanted you to know."

Ani: "You call that a diplomatic solution?"
Padmé: "No, I call this aggressive negotiations."

Han Solo: "Ich glaube, meine Augen werden besser. Anstelle von dunklen Stellen sehe ich jetzt plötzlich helle."
Luke Skywalker: "Hier gibt es nichts zu sehen. Ich hab früher hier gelebt."
Han Solo: "Und hier endest du wieder. Traurige Geschichte."

Han Solo: "Ich liebe dich!"
Prinzessin Leia Organa: "Ich weiß!"

Pirates of the Caribbean
Mr. Swann: ?They say, it's the newest fashion in London!"
Elizabeth: "Well, woman in London must have learned not to breathe..."

Turner: "You're fighting unfair!"
Jack: "Pirate!"

Jack: ?She?s safe, just like I promised. She's all set to marry Norrington, just like she promised. And you get to die for her, just like you promised. So we?re all man of our word, really, except for Elizabeth, who is, in fact, a woman.?

Coyote Ugly
Violet Sanford: ?I?m not lost! They just moved my street!?

Girl: ?Can I ask you something??
Lil: ?What??
Girl: ?What does 'Coyote Ugly' mean??
Lil: ?Did you ever wake up sober after a one night stand, and the person you're next to is lying on your arm, and they're so ugly, you'd rather chew off your arm then risk waking him? That's 'coyote ugly'.?
Girl: ?My God. Well, why would you name your bar after something like that??
Lil: ?Oh, 'cause ?Cheers? was taken.?

James Bond 007- Die another day/Stirb an einem anderen Tag
Mrs. Frost: ?Wow, ein 007-Agent!"
James Bond: "Das ist nur eine Nummer..."

Q: "Ihre neue Uhr. Müsste die zwanzigste sein."

Ronald Quincy: ?I know the presidents' chief advisor, we were at MIT together. And, at this point in time, you really don't want to take advice from a man who got a C minus in astrophysics. The presidents' advisors are wrong. I am right.?

Grace Stamper: ?A.J. is my choice!?
Harry Stamper: ?Choice? He's the only one here your age. That's not a choice, it's a lack of option.?

Grace Stamper: ?I understand that you are handicapped by a natural immaturity, and I forgive you.?

Gracie: "Baby, do you think there's anyone... just anyone... anywhere on this planet doing exactly the same thing we do at exactly that moment?"
A.J.: "Well, I certainly hope so. If not, what should we save this world for then?"

President: "I address you tonight not as the President of the United States, not as a leader of a country, but as a citizen of humanity. We are faced with the very gravest of challenges. The Bible calls this day 'Armageddon' - the end of all things. And yet, for the first time in the history of the planet, a species has the technology to prevent its own extinction. All of you praying with us tonight need to know that everything that can be done to prevent this disaster is being called into service. The human thirst for excellence, knowledge; every step up the ladder of science; every adventurous reach into space; all of our combined technologies and imaginations; even the wars that we've fought have provided us the tools to wage this terrible battle. Through all of the chaos that is our history; through all of the wrong and the discord; through all of the pain and he suffering; through all of our times, there is one thing that has nourished our souls, and elevated our species above its origins, and that is our courage. The dreams of an entire planet are focused tonight on those fourteen brave souls travelling into the heavens. And may we, citizens the world over, see these events through. God speed, and good luck to you."

Harry Stamper: ?Just a little help, God, that's all I'm asking.?
Max: ?I think we're close enough He might have heard ya.?

AJ: ?Ever heard of Evil Knievel??
Lev: ?No, I?ve never seen Star Wars.?

Lev Andropov: ?Excuse me, but I think I know how to fix this.?
Watts: ?Move it! You don't know the components!?
Lev Andropov: ?Components. American components, Russian Components, ALL MADE IN TAIWAN!?

AJ: ?Nein, Harry! Das kannst du nicht machen! Das ist MEIN Job!"
Harry Stamper: "Du hast dich jetzt um meine kleine Gracy zu kümmern. DAS ist dein Job. Ich habe dich immer als meinen Sohn gesehen. Immer. Und ich wär verdammt glücklich wenn du meine Tochter heiratest. Sieh zu, dass ihr hier wegkommt."
AJ: ?Nein, Harry! Ich liebe dich!?
Harry Stamper: ?Ich liebe dich auch, mein Sohn.?

Independence Day:
President Whitmore: "In less than an hour, aircraft from here will join others from around the world. And you will be launching the largest aerial battle in the history of mankind. Mankind....that word should have new meaning for all of us today. We can't be consumed with our petty differences anymore. We will be united in our common interests. Perhaps, it's fate, today is the fourth of July, and you will once again be fighting for our freedom. Not from tyranny, oppression or persecution. But from annulation. We're fighting for our right to live...to exist. Should we win today, the fourth of July will no longer be known as an American holiday. But as the day when the world declared in one voice: "We will not go quietly into the night...we will not vanish without a fight! We're going to live on! We're going to survive! Today, we celebrate our independence day!"



Gaby Köster: ?Und Dieter Bohlen, diese unmusikalische Kehlkopfrosette, der immer so singt, als hätte er eins dieser Duracellhäschen im Hintern...?
- 7 Tage 7 Köpfe

Al Bundy: "Wir müssen alle mit unseren Enttäuschungen leben. Ich muss mit meiner schlafen."
- Married... with children/Eine schrecklich nette Familie

Ingolf Lück: "Wie schade, dass Kohl nicht mehr Bundeskanzler ist. Wer sonst hat soviel für die deutsche Comedy getan?"
- Die Wochenshow



Muss ich denn sterben- um zu leben?
- Falco, Out of the dark

"If you don't go over the top, you can't see what's on the other side."
- Count Krolock, Tanz der Vampire
The more the things change, the more they stay the same
Flucht aus L.A.

Das ist ja krank!
Darum gehts doch.
Flucht aus L.A.

Das Gesetz gilt nicht für Leute wie uns oder für ihn
Batmans Rückkehr

Ich dachte du wolltest sie nur erschrecken.
Sie sah auch ziemlich erschreckt aus...
Batmans Rückkehr
Black Knight: "Ooch das ist nur ein Kratzer."
King Arthur: "Ein Kratzer euer Arm ist ab!"
Black Knight: "Ist er nicht!"
King Arthur: "Und was ist das da...?"
Black Knight: "Oh... Macht nichts es gibt schlimmers."
King Arthur: "Ihr seid ein Aufschneider!"
Black Knight: "Komm du Königverschnitt!"

Ritter der Kokosnuss

"Der Sieg ist mein."
"Mein Gott Walter...
"Na los, komm her es geht weiter"
"Was!?" ihr seid wirklich außerordendlich tapfer Sir aber der Sieg ist mein...
" Oooh, hast du schon genug!?"
"Hör zu du abgebrochener Riese du hast keine Arme mehr!"
"Wer sagt das!?"
"Na kratz dich mal!"
"Ach ist doch nur ne Fleischwunde...!"

Selber Film, selber Kampf, selbe Personen
Haha,now I have a machine gun
(Stirb Langsam 1)

Ich geh jetzt nach Jamaika, da wo der Hanf blüht, denn ich bin Reggae Gandalf
(Lord of the Weed)

Der zählt trotzdem nur als einer
(Hdr Rotk)

Wir sind doch nicht in einem Teeniehorrorfilm
(Scary Movie)

Aber warum musstest denn unbedingt den Whisky verbrennen ?
(Fluch der Karibik)
"Stay here. I'll be back."

Terminator II: Judgement Day

"Dr. Jones?"


Indiana Jones and the last crusade
"Oh mein Gott, die Lybia...ich weiß nicht wie aber sie haben mich gefunden"

"Ich hab denen eine Bombe gebaut, mit Schrott aus alten Flippern"

Doc Emmet Brown in BTTF I

Und noch einer: "Hey McFly, Dein Schuh ist offen" *klatsch* "Fällst auch immer wieder drauf rein McFly" (Biff Tannen - gleicher Film)

"This is paradise, this town is like a great big pussy, just waiting to get ****ed."

"Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer."
(Godfather II)

"Charlie don't surf!"
(Apokalypse Now)
"I'm the Dude. So that's what you call me. That, or Duder, His Dudeness, Or El Duderino. If, you know, you're not into the whole brevity thing." (The big Lebowski)

"Ich bin ein Möter - Halb Mensch, halb Köter. Und mein bester Freund" (Spaceballs)

"Hör zu, wir haben ne schlechte Nachricht für dich. Wir haben dein Herz mit einer heisen Kartoffel verwechselt. Du hast noch 3 Sekunden zu leben."
"Phillip, heute ist ein schlimmerer Tag, als der wo du mir deinen Schwanz in den Mund gesteckt und nen Foto gemacht hast." - "Ich weiss Terrence, ich weiss." (South Park - Der Film)

"Halt! Ich bin Träger der schwarzen Socke! Aber ich musste meinem Meister geloben, nur im Notfall meine Schuhe auszuziehen." (Otto - Der neue Film)
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Monthy Python's Life of Brian

Wir sind einem Stern gefolgt....

Sternhagel voll seid ihr!!!!!

Das letzte Einhorn

Hör mir zu...hör zu....nein hör mich nicht zu!


Die Ritter der Kokosnuss

Ich habe den Sachsen das Angeln beigebracht....seitdem heißen sie Angelsachsen!

