Anakin und die Tusken



Ich hab gerade den Spoiler auf SWU über die Tuskenszene gelesen, und muss sagen, mir lief ein Schauder über den Rücken...

Super cool, wie Anakin schon in E II erste Berührungen mit der dunklen Seite macht.

Vor allem die Tasache, dass er auch noch das Tuskenkind und die Mutter umbringt (zumindest wahrscheinlich)....


Am liebsten würde ich jetzt einschlafen, und erst am 16. Mai wieder aufwachen...;) ;)

Was haltet Ihr davon, dass Anakin in EII schon ein "bisschen" böse wird?
Findet ihr das gut, oder hättet ihr lieber, er würde weiterhin der liebe kleine Junge aus E I bleiben und dann in EIII erst dunkel werden....oder am besten garnicht ...? ;)

Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
War ja von Anfang an für jeden Spoilerleser klar, dass die Entwicklung von Anakin in diese Richtung bereits in E2 beginnt, und diese Szene ist wahrscheinlich die Schlüsselszene. Nachdem er die Tusken massakriert hat, gibts für ihn kein zurück mehr.
Wenn die Beschreibung der Szene auf SWU stimmt, bin ich aber ein wenig enttäuscht. Ich hätte wetten können, das im letzten Gespräch zwischen Anakin und Shmi noch irgendein Geheimniss gelüftet wird. (Anakin, dein Vater ist....)

Original geschrieben von Vodo-Bel-Biirsk
Wenn die Beschreibung der Szene auf SWU stimmt, bin ich aber ein wenig enttäuscht. Ich hätte wetten können, das im letzten Gespräch zwischen Anakin und Shmi noch irgendein Geheimniss gelüftet wird. (Anakin, dein Vater ist....)


oh ja.... DAS hätte der ganzen sache noch den letzten schliff verpasst! aber leider leider werden wir auf DIESE hochdramatische beichte leider verzichten müssen! :rolleyes:
tja, wirklich schade, denn diese ,,er hatte keinen Vater" geschichte war wohl völlig unbefriedigend.
Original geschrieben von Darth Koron
tja, wirklich schade, denn diese ,,er hatte keinen Vater" geschichte war wohl völlig unbefriedigend.

sie war nicht nur unbefriedigend, sie war nahezu lächerlich! also tut mir leid, aber in dem moment hab ich echt gedacht ich hör nicht recht! vorallem, weil das ganze kino in lachanfälle ausgebrochen ist und dann diese kommentare kamen "ja klar, mutter maria! warum auch nicht! ganz toll!" bla bla... diese kommentare darf ich mir heute noch anhören!
Ich find es recht gut, dass sich schon in EPII der erste Schritt zur dunklen Seite getan wird. Das konnt man in den Trailern ja auch schon erkennen. Seinen Zorn, seine Wut! Und ihr wisst ja, wohin das führt.
Wenn er erst in EPIII seinen ersten Schritt machen würde, dann käm mir das alles zu schnell, so eine Wandlung in nur einen Film zu packen, das geht nicht, außer der Film geht mehrere Stunden lang. Die Wandlung is doch viel zu kolossal für nur zwei Stunden.
Und diese lieben, braven haben wir ja schon erlebt, jetzt wollen wir doch auch wissen, wie es denn dazu kommt, dass er sich wandelt.
1.Es wäre mir lieber gewesen ,wenn Anakin schon am Ende von Episode II ein Sith und damit Schüler Palpatines wäre. :(

2. Vielleicht kommt ja noch zum Vorschein, wer Anakins Vater ist. Noch hat keiner den Film gesehen und kann sagen, ob uns am 16. Mai nicht doch noch eine Überraschung erwartet.
Ich finde es absolut lächerlich, daß hier ständig irgendwelche Leute auf der Suche nach Anakins Vater sind. Er ist der Auserwählte, der Sohn der Macht, geboren, um Gleichgewicht zu bringen und die dunkle Seite für immer zu vernichten. Er kann einfach keinen sterblichen Vater haben.
Und Maria war nebenbei nicht die einzige, die mit einer jungfräulichen Geburt konfrontiert war. Der Jungfrauenmythos ist Jahrtausende alt. Also versteh ich eure Probleme nicht.

Zum Cut: natürlich werden wir nicht sehen, wie Anakin irgendwelche Kinder niedermetzelt. Es gibt stattdessen einen schönen Cut, der es dem Zuschauer überläßt, sich den Rest zu denken.
Da die Phantasie von Kindern immer recht ausgeprägt ist, frage ich mich allerdings, warum so viel Werbung für AOTC macht. Irgendwie bezweifle ich mehr und mehr, daß AOTC ein Kinderfilm wird. Klonembryos, Tuskengemetzel, sterbende Mütter und der Auftakt eines Krieges, ob das das Material ist, aus dem Kinderträume sein sollten?
mal so

Wenn Anakin der Sohn der Macht is um die Dunkle Seite für immer zu vernichten, dann frage ich mich wer hat denn da was versaut, alles nur ZUFALL wegen diesen Scheiss Tusken Mänekiken, deswegen geht alles naja nicht so ganz alles denn Bach runter!!
Jemand im TFN-Forum hat bereits den Roman durchgelesen. Er hat diesen Ausschnitt aus der Tusken Szene abgetippt :

? The two Tusken guards gave a yelp and lifted their staves, rushing for him, but the blue-glowing blade ignited, and in a flash of killing light, Anakin took them down, left and right. The rage was not sated

Deep in meditations, peering through the dark side, Master Yoda felt a sudden surge of anger, of outrage beyond control. The diminutive Master?s eyes popped open wide at the overwhelming strength of that rage. And then he heard a familiar voice, crying ?No Anakin! No! Don?t! No!? It was Qui gon. Yoda knew it was Qui-Gon. But Qui-Gon was dead, he had become one with the force!


SKIP TO SLAUTER I can?t type it all. sorry its too much

Anakin, too, had heard the voice of Qui Gon, imploring him to restrain himself, to deny the rage.He hadn?t recognized it though, for he was too full of pain and anger. He spotted a Tusken woman to the side, in front of another of the tents, carrying a pail of dirty water, and saw a Tusken child in the shadows of another nearby hut, staring at him with an incredulous expression.
Then he was moving, though he was hardly aware of his actions. His blade flashed and he ran on.The Tusken woman screamed, and was impaled.
Now all the camp seemed in motion, Tuskens rushing out of every hut, many with weapons in hand. But Anakin was into the dance of death then, into the energy of the force. He lept far and long, clearing one hut and coming down before another, his blade flashing even before he landed, even before the two Tuskens had realized that he had jumped between them.
A third came at him, thrusting forth a spear, but Anakin lifted an empty hand and set up a wall of force energy as solid as stone. Then he shoved out with that hand and the Tusken spearman flew away, fully thirty meters, smashing through the wal of yet another hut.
Anacin was off and running, off and leaping, his blade spinning left and right in a blur, every stab taking a Tusken down, writhing to the ground, every slash putting a piece of Tusken on the ground.
Soon none were standing against him, all trying to flee, but Anakin would have none of that. He saw one group rush into a hut and reached out across the way, to a large boulder in the distance. It flew to his call, soaring across the sand, smashing one fleeing Tusken down and flying on.
Anakin dropped it on the hut full of Tuskens, cruhing them all.
And then he was running, his strides enhanced by the force, overcoming the fleeing creatures, slaughtering them, every one. He didn?t feel empty any longer. He felt a surge of energy and strength beyond anything he had ever known, felt full of the force, full of power, full of life.
And then it was over, suddenly, it seemed and Anakin stood among the ruins of the encampment, dozens and dozens of dead Tuskin Raiders all about him, and only a single hut still standing.
He put his lightsaber away and walked back to the hut, where he gently and reverently scooped his mother?s body into his arms. ?


She found Anakin standing at a workbench in the garage, working on a part from the speeder bike.
"I brought you something to eat."
Anakin glanced at her, but immediately went back to work. She noted that he was exaggerating every movement, obviously frustrated, obviously distracted from the task at hand. "The shifter broke," he explained, too intently. "Life seems so much simpler when you're fixing things. I'm good at fixing things. I always was. But I..."
Finally he slammed down the wrench he was using and just stood there, head bowed.
Padme recognized that he was on the verge of a collapse.
"Why did she have to die?" he mouthed quietly. Padme slid the tray down on the workbench and moved behind him, putting her arms about his waist and resting her head comfortingly on his back.
"Why couldn't I save her?" Anakin asked. "I know I could have."
"Annie, you tried." She squeezed him a bit tighter. "Sometimes there are things that no one can fix. You're not all-powerful."
He stiffened at her words and pulled away from her suddenly--and angrily, she realized. "But I should be!" he growled, and then he looked at her, his face a mask of grim determination. "And someday I will be!"
"Anakin, don't say such things," Padme replied fearfully, but he didn't even seem to hear her.
"I'll be the most powerful Jedi ever!" he railed on. "I promise you! I will even learn to stop people from dying!"
"It's Obi-Wan's fault!" He stormed across the room and slammed his fist onto the workbench again, nearly dislodging the plate of food. "He put me out of the way."
"To guard me," she said quietly.
"I should have been out with him, hunting the assassins! I'd have had them a long time ago, and would've gotten here in time and my mother would still be alive!"
"You can't know---"
"He's jealous of me," Anakin rambled on, paying no attention to her at all. He wasn't talking to her, she realized, but was just playing it all out verbally for himself. She could hardly believe what she was hearing. "He put me out of the way because he knows that I am already more powerful than he is. He's holding me back!"
He finished by picking up his wrench and throwing it across the garage, where it smashed against a far wall and clattered down among some spare parts.
"Anakin, what's wrong?" she cried at him.
Her volum and tone finally got his attention. "I just told you!"
"No!" Padme yelled back at him. "No. What's really wrong?"
Anakin just stared at her, and she knew that she was on to something.
"I know it hurts Anakin. But this is more than that. What's really wrong?"
He just stared at her.
His body seemed to shrink then, and slump forward just a bit. "I...I killed them," he admitted, and if Padme hadn't run to him and grabbed him close, he would have fallen over. "I killed them all," he admitted. "They're dead. Every single one of them."
He looked at her then, and it seemed to her as if he had suddenly returned to her from somewhere far, far away.
"You did battle..." she started to reason.
He ignored her. "Not just the men," he went on. "And the men are the only fighters among the Tuskens. No, not just them. The women and children, too." His face contorted, as if he was teetering between anger and guilt. "They're like animals!" he said suddenly. "And I slaughtered them like animals! I hate them!"
Padme sat back a bit, too stunned to respond. She knew that Anakin needed her to say something or to do something, but she was paralyzed. He wasn't even looking at her--he was just staring off into the distance. But then he lowered his head, and began to sob, his lean, strong shoulders shaking.
Padme pulled him in and hugged him close, never wanted to let him go. She still didn't know what to say.
"Why do I hate them?" Anakin asked her.
"Do you hate them, or do you hate what they did to your mother?"
"I hate them!" he insisted.
"And they earned your anger, Anakin."
He looked up at her, his eyes wet with tears. "But it was more than that," he started to say, and then he shook his head and buried his face against the softness of her breast.
A moment later, he looked back up, his expression showing that he was determined to explain. "I didn't...I couldn't..." He held one hand up outstretched, then clenched it into a fist. "I couldn't control myself," he admitted. "I...I don't want to hate them--I know that there is no place for hatred. But I just can't forgive them."
"To be angry is to be human," Padme assured him.
"To control your anger is to be a Jedi," Anakin was quick to reply, and he pulled away from her and stood up, turning to face the open door and the desert beyond.
Padme was right there beside him, draping her arms about him. "Shhh," she said softly. She kissed him gently on the cheek. "You're human."
"No, I'm a Jedi. I know I'm better than this." He looked at her directly, shaking his head. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."
"You're like everyone else," Padme said. She tried to draw closer, but Anakin held himself back from her.
He couldn't hold the pose of defiance for long, though, before he broke down again in sobs.
Padme was there to hold him and rock him and tell him that everything would be all right.

Re: mal so

Original geschrieben von Plo Koon
Wenn Anakin der Sohn der Macht is um die Dunkle Seite für immer zu vernichten, dann frage ich mich wer hat denn da was versaut, alles nur ZUFALL wegen diesen Scheiss Tusken Mänekiken, deswegen geht alles naja nicht so ganz alles denn Bach runter!!

Nun, es wird gesagt er soll der Macht das Gleichgewicht bringen, was für mich heist: Das Gleichgwicht zwischen hell und dunkel, für mich hieß dieser Satz schon immer, er wird die Jedi vernichten.

Vielleicht is ja Palpi, Anakins Vater, das wär ja die absolute Lachnummer :D
Palpi Anakins Vater?

Das wäre dann aber zuviel für den armen Luke am Ende von E VI:

Vader: Obi Wan hat Dir immer noch nicht alles gesagt...
Luke: Doch , er hat bestätigt das Du mein Vater bist
Palpatine: Und ich bin DEIN OPA......!

:D :D :D
Auf SWU steht, daß Qui-Gons Satz aus dem Off nicht nur im Roman, sondern auch im entgültigen Script vorkommt. Klasse, QUI-GON IST IM FILM DABEI!!!!!! :D
Ja, ist er. Aber zum ersten Male bereue ich es, einen Spoilerbericht gelesen zu haben.

Anscheinend hatte Qui Gon begonnen, diese "in der Galaxis Methode bleib"-Sache zu entwickeln. Ihm gelingt es, in der Macht zu sprechen, Obi Wan später gar zu erscheinen.
Gemetzel im Tuskencamp...

wie ja allgemein bekannt, existiert zu Annies furchtbarer Tat im Camp der Tusken eigentlich eine längere Szene, wo er ein paar Tusken mehr ermordet. Leider der Schere zum Opfer gefallen, der Film sollte ja jugendfrei sein. Und auf der E2-DVD ist die Szene auch nicht drauf.
Tja. Ich würde sie aber zu gerne einmal sehen... vielleicht gibt es ja jemanden hier, der mir weiterhelfen kann? :)
Das war doch nur ein Gerücht soviel ich weiß...
War es nicht so das es eigentlich gar keine Szene aus dem Massaker gab und man diese erst kurz später hinzugefügt hat?