Der Englisch "Üben" - Thread

So, ich reaktivier das Ding hier mal... ich brauch nämlich nen Rat. Nächste Woche findet bei uns ein Redewettbewerb statt, und weil mein Englisch - Lehrer ein Freak ist, hat er mich dazu überredet, da mitzumachen... ich bereu es jetzt schon :D

Hat jemand Tipps, wie ich mich da am besten vorbereite? Ich hab auf alle Fälle vor noch ein wenig Englisch zu üben, da ich nicht grad wie der letzte Vollidiot dastehen will *gg*

Die ganzen Ami shows auf MTV anschaun :D (Real word, Boiling points, I bet you will, etc.)
auch mal CNN wenn dus empfängst...
hm hab 2 jahre lang einen special english level 01 gemacht...(war so n wirtschaftskurs vom lieben arbeitsamt...da war das mit dabei) war da klassenbeste unter lauter 30-jährigen -war mit 17-jahren die jüngste lol
aber französisch kann ich besser- mag ich auch lieber als englisch
italienisch kann ich auch, aber mittelprächtig^^

lieblingsenglisch: OXFORD!!!
So, CNBC läuft :D
Sonst noch Tipps? Ich hab jetzt mal Konjunktionen gelernt, und ein englisches Buch rausgekramt.. mal schauen wie schnell man Englisch lernen kann, wenn man will ;)

EDIT: It might helps, if we will talk english from now on. Is anybody interested in that? I can understand if you are not, but it would really help me... Do you think its possible to ... improve my skills in a couple of days to a higher level?
Well, im going to read in my novell...
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
What do we want to talk about? Politics? Science? Or something completely different... what about women? I would like to talk about women, maybe somebody can tell me why im not able to understand them although i have been trying to for years :D
Oh, Women are like cars. You know how to make them move, but if they haven't enough gas, they don't run.

Errh, ok. This is perhaps a little prejudice ^^.
I want to talk about music. Do you know randomly J.B.O ?!


I assure you, reading a novel is helpful. Even if you don't understand every word, you will improve your vocab. But the best thing you can try is to go in a english chatroom.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Best advice: don't be afraid.
It's something different holding a speech than just talking, but if you're not afraid too much you will at least talk fluently. If you're afraid, you'll begin to stutter and search for words. You don't need to know every word, if you fail to remember one, just talk around it. Works for most of the times without anyone noticing.

Good luck to you.
Listening to other people talking, like watching TV in English or watching English movies will help, too.
Revan schrieb:
Oh, Women are like cars. You know how to make them move, but if they haven't enough gas, they don't run.

They maybe like cars, but they can't park them! :D I'm sorry for the cliche, but it was my first idea when I read Revans posting. Maybe it's not my most creative day, huh? Well, I also heard women can't read maps! But I just read about it, it's not my opinion! :braue
JBO? I have never heard anything about them. What kind of music do they play?

Dyesce, I'll try that next week. But when i imagine this situation, a jury(?) of 3 english teachers and a couple of specatators will be watching at me, i get a little bit nervous. However, i have to do that and now i am trying to prepare the best way i know in order to be able to do a good job next week ;)
Master Kenobi schrieb:
They maybe like cars, but they can't park them! :D I'm sorry for the cliche, but it was my first idea when I read Revans posting. Maybe it's not my most creative day, huh? Well, I also heard women can't read maps! But I just read about it, it's not my opinion! :braue
you have luck-i´ve got a good sense of humor :braue :D :D
tear schrieb:
JBO? I have never heard anything about them. What kind of music do they play?

Dyesce, I'll try that next week. But when i imagine this situation, a jury(?) of 3 english teachers and a couple of specatators will be watching at me, i get a little bit nervous. However, i have to do that and now i am trying to prepare the best way i know in order to be able to do a good job next week ;)
it´s a german rock-band...they are covering songs like..."everybody" (backstreetboys) and make a joke of this damn bad pop song :D

So, I've got a question and need some help. I need a translation for a quotation for my short speech...

"Mir macht das Spaß. Darum tue ich es und wenn ich am Ende in Disneyland die Eintrittskarten abreiße, soll mir das auch recht sein".
I've got translated the half, but I'm not sure so I think you can translate everything that I'm able to compare ;)
I hope you'll help me soon...
So...let's give it a try:

"I like it, and therefore, I do it. And if I'm getting to tear tickets off in Disneyland in the end, for me, it will be fine enough."

Not one-hundred percent correct, I think, but close :D

Hope, I could help...
alternative version *G*

"Me, I like doing it. That's why I'm doing it. And if I end up tearing tickets in Disneyland, that'll be fine with me."
I like it, and therefore, I do it. And if I'm ending to tear off tickets in Disneyland that'll be also fine with me

Das wäre eine Kombination aus beidem und so wie ich es sagen würde

Das von Darth Gollum ist schon sehr gut, denn das "in the end" entspricht nicht wirklich unbedingt unserem "am Ende". Da trifft es das "getting to" schon besser. Ich würde allerdings "at Disneyland" anstatt "in Disneyland" schreiben.