Die Planeten von Episode III

Felucia = Falludscha ;)

Ich mag die neuen Namen überhaupt nicht :( Wenns aber nur das ist, dann kann ich damit lebeben :)

Georgie scheint aber sehr viel von der jüngsten US Geschichte in diesen Film als Metapher reinzupacken :alien

Und die bei der Clone Wars Montage rechne ich nicht mit einer längeren Spielzeit, als die Endmontage bei ROTJ.
Lowbacca schrieb:
Die neue Beschreibung zu Felucia hört sich gut an. Könnte in meinen Augen einer der interessantesten SW-Planeten werden.

Jo, endlich mal ein Planet, der wirklich FREMD wirkt und nicht wie Tunesien, Norwegen, Kalifornien, Italien, Schweiz, etc. Ich hatte zu Ep. I schon gehofft, mal was ähnlich spektakuläres wie im EU zu sehen, aber zu mehr als Coruscant hat´s ja bislang leider nicht gereicht... :(
*Thread entstaub*

Ich dachte, meine kleine Frage passt hier am ehesten rein... :D

Im Offiziellen Souvenirmagazin zu Episode III steht, dass "auf" Polis Massa Ausgrabungen durchgeführt werden. Dazu würde ich gerne mehr wissen. Was für Ausgrabungen, von wem?

Soweit ich weiß, war Polis Massa einst ein Planet, der aber durch eine irgendeine Umweltkatastrophe (Uüberschwemmung?) eben auseinander gebrochen ist. Die kleinen Wesen sind nicht die Ureinwohner, sondern stammen aus dem Subterrel-Sektor, haben jedoch den Namen "Polis Massa" für ihre Spezies schon selbst übernommen. Sie führen auf dem größten Asteroiden eine Ausgrabungsstätte, um aus dem Inneren wertvolle Artefakte hervorzubringen.
Nachzulesen in der Illustrierten Enzyklopädie zu ROTS.

Ich hoffe, ich konnte dir helfen.

lg, Yendan
Hier ein bissi Info:

"In the fringes of the Subterrel sector of the Outer Rim Territories, Polis Massa was once an intact world that was home to the underground-dwelling Eellayin people. The people mysteriously vanished when the world was destroyed by an unknown and ancient cataclysm. Over 500 years ago, an archeological expedition began combing the rocky fragments for the remains of the Eellayin. The alien researchers, believing themselves to be descendants of the Eellayin, became so entrenched in the asteroid remains over the centuries that they simply became known as Polis Massans to all who dealt with them.

One of the largest topside facilities is called the Local Dig, and it is situated above the remains of Wiyentaah, an Eellayin city that the Polis Massans are meticulously uncovering. The interior of the Local Dig's scientific chambers are kept in pristine and sterile conditions, preserving any fragile artifacts that are found. The medical centers are stocked with the latest in recuperative technology, though it is tailored for the physiology of the alien researchers. The Polis Massans employ cloning technology in attempts to recreate extinct or vanished pre-cataclysm life-forms from any scraps of usable genetic material found within the rocks.

Polis Massans keep to themselves, discreetly digging away at the rocks and desperate to avoid attention. Given the rampant piracy found in the Outer Rim, their solitude is warranted -- they do not want to attract the avarice of space-faring tomb raiders. This isolationism made Polis Massa the perfect refuge for Jedi fugitives."


" The Polis Massans aren't actually from Polis Massa -- but they obsessively cling to the shattered asteroid remains of the world that may have been home to their ancestors. In the ancient past, the Eellayin homeworld was transformed into rubble by an unknown cataclysm, and the Eellayin people vanished. Five hundred years ago, an expedition to uncover the remains of the Eellayin was undertaken by the faceless diminutive aliens. They became so associated with the archeological effort that they became known as Polis Massans, a name they adopted with no objections.

Little is known of the Polis Massans, save that they too hail from the Subterrel sector, the same area of space that contains their adopted asteroid home. They are skilled xenobiologists, fascinated by other alien species yet not confrontational despite such passions. They prefer instead to study from afar, examining the trappings of alien cultures if not the aliens themselves. Given how little open contact they have had with other cultures, they have amassed an impressive xenobiological database. Uncovering their true connection to the Ellayin remains of paramount concern to the Polis Massans.

Polis Massans have made contact with the secretive Kaminoans, exchanging some of their data for cloning technology. The Polis Massans have adapted this cloning equipment for their own purposes, though their cloning processes remain less sophisticated than the work of the Kaminoans. The Polis Massans employ it in hopes of reconstructing any biological matter they discover in their archeological digs."
